ISAD 2004 Announcements

ISAD in Croatia

From: Suzana Jelcic Jaksic
Date: 21 Oct 2004
Time: 12:15:07 -0500
Remote Name:


Like for the last five years, ISAD will be celebrated in Croatia tomorrow. We have printed and distributed throuout Croatia specially designed Croatian version of ISAD poster. There will be a few minutes set aside to examine difficulties of children who stutter on morning national TV. On the ISAD Mirjana Lasan and Suzana Jelcic Jaksic will hold one day workshop for SLT's named "A holistic approach to stuttering" at the Children's Hospital Zagreb. In the evening there will be a party for members and friends of Croatian Association for People who stutter "Hinko Freund" with an "open mike". SLT's in Dubrovnik will be talking about stuttering on local radio station. Also, as a part of ISAD related events, the group therapy for children aged 12 to 14 and their parents will start on October 23rd.

Last changed: 09/14/05