Glen Taylor Nursing Institute For Family and Society

College of Allied Health and Nursing|Academic Programs|Nursing

Advancing family and societal health and healing through education, research and practice.

Faculty Finds Success in Publishing as part of International Writing Group

Louisa Krueger headshotLouisa Krueger, Assistant Professor in the School of Nursing has been participating in the International Writing Group hosted by Glen Taylor Nursing Institute for the past several semesters. In the last few months, she's had success in disseminating her work. The first article is Krueger, L. (2024). Employing a risk assessment tool for shared decision-making in breast cancer screening. Creative Nursing. 30(1). 21-28. This article made it to publication with the support of the writing group and Louisa’s determination in working on It for over five years.

The second article is a result of a collaboration between several MSUM nursing faculty colleagues and the international partners in the writing group. The article, Collaborative International Nursing Writing Group: A Non-Patriarchal Approach came about as part of the teamwork and camaraderie developed in the workshop. Authors on this publication are from MSUM, New Zealand, Japan, South Africa, Spain, and Austria. The group met weekday evenings throughout the semester to accommodate the differences in time zone and international date line and the resulting manuscript will be published this fall.

Congratulations to Louisa and the International Writing team on these publications. A new session of the Writing Group starts soon. Contact to find out more.

In addition, Louisa will receive a $1,000 publication award from the Glen Taylor Nursing Institute for Family and Society to help support her continued dissemination of this work.

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About the Institute

The mission of The Glen Taylor Nursing Institute for Family and Society is to focus on innovative nursing practice knowledge that influences the health and healing of families and society, and to provide leadership and expertise in family and society health related issues.


The Glen Taylor Institute develops, tests, and disseminates nursing education pedagogies and nursing practice models that advance nursing practice.


With a focus on families and community, the Institute supports a community of research engaged in family and societal health.


The Institute develops models that create partnerships around the world, supports the health of family and society and inspires change in nursing practice.