Office Hours: The Professor Is In

Re: Lasting change --- an oxymoron

From: Scott Palasik
Date: 09 Oct 2012
Time: 10:54:44 -0500
Remote Name:


Reuban, HI! Great to meet you (virtually) and from what I've read you are on a great path. It's funny, for many years (being a person who stutters and a professional) I spent time focusing on the stuttering I was doing wrong or my speech errors (perhaps termed as failures). However by just focusing on them I wasn't going anywhere with them and instead I was 'judging' my speech repeatedly. So lately I've been taking notice of all my speech, trying not to judge it. Just being WITH my speech (without judgments) has opened up doors of perceptions allowing my speech to evolve. Not looking at changing the failures, instead observing my behaviors of delivery, if I said what I wanted to say, and if the words Ii chose represent me at the core; my values as a person. Noticing if the message I truly wanted to convey was what I actually said; content. Evolution of a person can be an important part of a valued-based living existence. Good luck on your journey! With compassion and kindness, Scott

Last changed: 10/22/12