Office Hours: The Professor Is In

Re: Common factors for lasting change

From: Lynne Shields
Date: 08 Oct 2012
Time: 04:51:35 -0500
Remote Name:


Hello Reuben, There are quite a few factors that contribute to successful management of stuttering for adults. A few that I have seen as important among the people I've worked with are: 1) being ready for change (as opposed to just wanting change to happen), 2) having fairly specific goals (as opposed to wanting the stuttering to go away), 3) developing tolerance of stuttering, allowing them to experiment with their speech, 4) readiness to manage negative feelings and attitudes about their stuttering, if appropriate, and 5) the willingness to experiment, facilitating problem solving and independent management of their stuttering. There are certainly others, and I am sure others will share their viewpoints, as well. Best regards, Lynne

Last changed: 10/22/12