Office Hours: The Professor Is In

Re: Lasting change --- an oxymoron

From: Reuben Schuff
Date: 08 Oct 2012
Time: 21:55:49 -0500
Remote Name:


Ellen Thank you for your response. I think I see what you mean about my phrasing. Change is never static. One of my favorite quotes is "when growth stops decay begins". I think you have insight about incorporating relapse, as you describe it, in to the process of change rather than viewing it as a failure. While I'm no wordsmith or therapist, the connotation of term "relapse" does seem to have a negative aspect. What you're describing, I would simply call a habit failure. Perhaps this would have a similar negative connotation to someone else. Whichever term we want to use, I feel it's been an important part of my journey to learn to recognize these habit failures and continue working undiscouraged, knowing that I'm on the right track for the long road.

Last changed: 10/22/12