Office Hours: The Professor Is In

Re: Stuttering post drug reaction

From: tim mackesey, ccc-slp
Date: 14 Oct 2012
Time: 07:12:24 -0500
Remote Name:


Thanks Gary. I am pleasantly surprised to tell you the woman is responding to fluency shaping in oral reading and picture description. We are looking at variables that increase her rate (emotion, etc). I once helped a TBI lesion to striatum region who had stuttering on every syllable. These adults with sudden onset of stuttering are fascinating because they can develop the "identity of a stutterer." The acute pws deals with listener reactions, facial expressions, etc. It is reminiscent of a school age child (perhaps 3rd grader) who was unscathed for stuttering before questions, teasing, etc begins that "stutterer identity." This helps explain why I am such an advocate for early intervention.

Last changed: 10/22/12