Office Hours: The Professor Is In

Re: Stuttering post drug reaction

From: Gary J. Rentschler
Date: 11 Oct 2012
Time: 09:03:27 -0500
Remote Name:


Tim, I've worked with a few adults who began stuttering after a drug overdose or in response to a new medication they began taking. The overdose patient was only minimally aware of his disfluencies, but became concerned about them as others commented on his speech. Our therapy began by developing his awareness (while trying not to attach negative labels to them). He became better able to manage his disfluencies with therapy. His disfluencies differed in that they often came in the middle or at the end of sentences. Other clients began new drug regimens for unrelated problems and started stuttering as a side effect of the new med. Resolving the other issue with medication was the bigger problem, so the clients continued the meds and continued stuttering. The clients learned to manage (but not eliminate) their stuttering fairly effectively. The reactions of others led to them becoming embarrassed by their speech, which both complicated treatment and motivated them. Best, Gary

Last changed: 10/22/12