Office Hours: The Professor Is In

Re: Lidcombe programme

From: Lisa LaSalle
Date: 14 Oct 2012
Time: 15:12:16 -0500
Remote Name:


Lidcombe approach for treating preschoolers who stutter is based on a Response Contingent Stimulation model, where it involves a 5 : 1 praise of "smooth" speech : 1 correction or request for self-correction of "bumpy" speech (e.g., Onslow, Packman & Harrison, 2003). The parent-administration of this 5:1 rule becomes problematic I have found, with some parents, in some cases. Also, should Lidcombe be used exclusively in clinical cases? (whereas, obviously for purposes of research and treatment fidelity it does need to be administered by the manual and exclusive to other types of treatment). That is another question worth posing about Lidcombe. Jennifer and others interested may want to check out for example.

Last changed: 10/22/12