Office Hours: The Professor Is In

Re: Lidcombe programme

From: Tom Weidig (TheStutteringBrain blog)
Date: 09 Oct 2012
Time: 04:45:35 -0500
Remote Name:


>> what is the accepted theoretical explanation on why the Lidcombe program works for young children? The simple answer is there is no clear evidence that it actually works despite the public perception. For it to be effective, you would need to have a large sample of 100 kids at the very least, to have a long term recovery rate much higher than natural recovery, no relapses, those recovering recovering earlier, exclude the possibility of short term adaptation in the clinical/parental environment during exercises and recordings, and a control group. None of these criteria have been fulfilled. If you want to see a better quality of study, check out Marie-Christine Franken's study where she compares Lidcombe to demands and capacity. Sofar they see no difference as in the pilot study.

Last changed: 10/22/12