Office Hours: The Professor Is In

Re: Alcohol and Stuttering

From: Lisa LaSalle
Date: 14 Oct 2012
Time: 15:56:59 -0500
Remote Name:


College student clients who stutter who share that when they get tipsy (I don't ever really want to hear about anything beyond that level) they stutter *more* frequently, is of interest. Some of these clients share that they word-switch, and so when tipsy, their "guard is down" and they are more likely not to bother to word-switch. I've heard the same from adults who stutter who are trying to use fluency shaping or stutter mod techniques. That because technique use requires vigilance, it is hard to keep that vigilance going when drinking alcohol. But drinking is often confounded by loud background noise in a bar/pub, etc. which can also increase or decrease stuttering frequency and/or severity. Have there been any research studies on this topic? I am not aware of any.

Last changed: 10/22/12