Office Hours: The Professor Is In

Re: Alcohol and Stuttering

From: Kevin Eldridge
Date: 12 Oct 2012
Time: 07:36:06 -0500
Remote Name:


Dear Columbia folks, Did you end up running a research project after the meeting. When I first beginning to use fluency enhancing strategies (i.e tools) to be more fluent, I found that drinking alcohol resulted in my NOT being able to use these strategies as well, and hence I stuttered more. At that time I required a fair amount of cognitive resources to monitor my speech and self-regulate. At this point I "just talk" and don't' notice a difference. Though I must admit, I rarely have more than 2 beers or glass of wine. I have heard that many PWS have an opposite effect. I'd be curiuos to hear the ratio of help to hinder in your group. Cheers!

Last changed: 10/22/12