Office Hours: The Professor Is In

Re: Touching the stuttering itself

From: Ed Feuer
Date: 07 Oct 2012
Time: 09:26:29 -0500
Remote Name:


Pam, even the use of maple syrup wouldn't produce the necessary change in mindset needed to bring about the constructive reforms I've advocated including independent third-party assessment of therapy outcomes over time; the establishment by ASHA of the office of dedicated ombudsman for stuttering; recruitment of differentiated subjects in research according to such categories as age, gender, severity, overt, covert, and before and after intensive programs as opposed to only random "stutterers"; and of course, the coordinated multidisciplinary team approach for the treatment of stuttering in adults. The fact is the professionals don't want these things because they would find them inconvenient. They treat calls for change and reforms as an attack on the profession, but until that mindset is overcome, the dismal stagnation will continue. Meanwhile, they don't like the hard questions. You'll note that the one I started this thread with remains unanswered. - Ed Feuer

Last changed: 10/22/12