Office Hours: The Professor Is In

Re: Touching the stuttering itself

From: Ari (Israel)
Date: 09 Oct 2012
Time: 09:00:04 -0500
Remote Name:


Ken,sorry for digging ....(like we call it in Hebrew). Something I don't get it is:what you call relapse? I call relapse to a client that came to a place that he can deal with most speaking situations,and that know how to deal with stuttering,without avoiding words or situations,and suddenly he feel that he lost his confidence and the fear and avoidance is coming back. I think that to really come to this place you need in most cases to work on your speak for quite long period. The most treatments don't stand up for such long time,and the client finish the treatment without really overcome his fears,so i don't call it relapse i call it,waking up from the illusion of fluency.So what is relapse for your opinion? Thanks!

Last changed: 10/22/12