Office Hours: The Professor Is In

Re: "time pressure"

From: Walt Manning
Date: 01 Oct 2012
Time: 08:41:38 -0500
Remote Name:


Time pressure is one of the most common forms of pressure for many people and certainly for those of us who stutter when it comes to responding in a speaking situation. It is difficult to manage until - as with most things about stuttering - the speaker is able to become desensitized about the experience of stuttering in general and their own reflexive responses to the stuttering moment, in particular. Once able to "stay in the moment of stuttering" you can begin to monitor what you are doing with your vocal tract (e.g., are you achieving air flow, voicing, proper articulatory positioning, etc.). You can then begin to "play with" your forms of stuttering and produce easy, or easier stuttering rather than releying old, habitual,coping responses that enabled you to escape from the the moment. As difficult as it is at the outset, going directly at the problem and experimenting with how you are stuttering is one of the best ways to manage the experience.

Last changed: 10/22/12