Office Hours: The Professor Is In

Re: "time pressure"

From: Keith Boss
Date: 02 Oct 2012
Time: 02:05:29 -0500
Remote Name:


Ari, Time pressure is a very interesting topic on two fronts. 1. The way our brains work. With training and practice, we can choose many, many more things in our lives, as against running on auto pilot and letting events / other people dictate our choices. With practice, we can choose to try to respond at their speed, or we can choose to respond at our speed. e.g. If we are asked a question, we can choose how soon we open our mouths to answer. We can allow pause for thought and to change our body posture to relax muscles in the upper part of our bodies. Then we answer at our speed. Practice this with relatives if you are able to do so, and slowly increase the practice to a wider circle. 2. Again, with practice, we can choose how we speak. I do not stammer/stutter when I sing, or speak in unison or speak alone. I concluded external events changed my stuttering speech state. If you take on a character when acting. This is also a changed speech state. OK I looked at other renowned speakers. I listened to politicians. They say a phrase and introduce a pause, for applause. Then they speak the next phrase. With practice I began to speak like this, at times. When doing this I had no blocks, repetitions, hesitations etc. When doing this I had changed my stuttering speech state, because I was 'taking on the role of a politician'. I enjoy speaking now. Have fun practicing. Keith

Last changed: 10/22/12