Office Hours: The Professor Is In

Re: The future in therapy and stuttering research

From: Kevin Eldridge
Date: 21 Oct 2012
Time: 08:32:36 -0500
Remote Name:


While I do not wish to predict what WILL happen in the next 10-20 years, I will tell you what I HOPE will happen in the next 10-20 years. 1) That we will better understand the physiological cause(s) that lead to the speech production system of those who stutter to break down under conditions others do not. 2) That we would be able to identify those children who will "spontaneously" recover from those that require therapy. 3) That our understanding of the biochemistry of stuttering will lead to effective drug therapies. While I agree with Ellen-Marie's post about self-acceptance, I would still rather that we found a way to eradicate the need for one to do so. While I can sit back now at age 51 and tell myself that I learned much about myself and others, having been a person who stutters, I would never wish what I went through on another young child. I am hesitant to bring this up in this kind of a forum, where I may be misunderstood, but my hope for the future is that we find the cause, the cure... for stuttering as well as every other disorder that effects mankind. To dream of any less.... I ask myself... Why?

Last changed: 10/22/12