Office Hours: The Professor Is In

Re: Survey for SLPs in the school setting

From: Nan Bernstein Ratner
Date: 20 Oct 2012
Time: 19:19:04 -0500
Remote Name:


I think one of the reasons that this thread has not been responded to is that it actually doesn't comply with research standards at most universities. Your professor should be able to provide feedback. Surveys are studies, and they need to include some form of consent; you have posted the questions on the conference site; such answers can be tracked. You need to get IRB approval, and set up a Survey Monkey or similar site, where people agree to answer your questions (and terms), and you agree to treat data as anonymous. Or people could be tired. But I thought it could be a teachable moment. From one of the eggheads consulting this year, Nan

Last changed: 10/22/12