Office Hours: The Professor Is In

Re: Social Phobia and Stuttering

From: Ed Feuer
Date: 17 Oct 2012
Time: 13:47:39 -0500
Remote Name:


Mark asked a direct question: "In the panel's experience what percentage of clients have social phobia?" He did not receive a direct answer. Assuming that social phobia is extreme shyness on the continuum from shy, it is wrong to automatically associate shy anywhere on the continuum with stuttering. A very common error. There are many, many, many more people who are shy than there are PWS (some of the time) and the former do not do what a qualified SLP calls stuttering. And there are many PWS (some of the time) who are not shy. Those of us who are not shy may be more reticent because of memories of adverse consequences of our stuttering but we are not shy - and we know it (see Van Riper, the fragmented self). But do SLPs know it? And that gets us back to Mark's unanswered question . . . - Ed Feuer

Last changed: 10/22/12