Office Hours: The Professor Is In

Re: Reaction

From: Scott Palasik
Date: 09 Oct 2012
Time: 10:42:39 -0500
Remote Name:


Vivek, Good day! You ask great questions. The important part (well one of MANY) is how a person relates their cognitive behaviors to their external actions. Lynne said it well, you can react to people in a manner that is true to you as person. This goes for all our reactions, the only thing we have some control over is our reactions. Speaking of control, you asked how you can respond to a person you "think" doesn't like you because of your stuttering. I have had this thought many times in life (being a PWS and a Professor). Something that really has helped is to come back to things I can control. Can you control other people's thoughts? Can you control how people react to you? No is the reality. Then, from there you can just be you. Be yourself at the core, your honest self. If this person still doesn't like you for you, that is their choice. Will you stop talking because someone else chooses to have the thoughts they have? Hopefully not. At the end of the day we can answer to one person, ourselves. We can do things that fit our values at the core, and let others choose their own paths. Sometimes we meet people who share our values, and thoughts, sometimes we don't. Such is the wondrous beauty of each person being different. Great question Vivek! Have a great day! With compassion and kindness, Scott

Last changed: 10/22/12