Office Hours: The Professor Is In

Re: Incorporating Cognitive and Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy...

From: Scott Palasik PhD, CCC-SLP
Date: 16 Oct 2012
Time: 15:55:09 -0500
Remote Name:


Gunars, It is very nice to meet you! I'm glad to see a licensed psychologist is in on the discussion of treatment with the disorder of stuttering. I have been using the contextual behavioral science approach of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (the third wave of psychotherapy) with clients who stutter for the past three plus years. I was trained by Kelly Wilson from Ole' Miss and Bill O'Brien from Bowling Green with respect to the principles of ACT and RFT (Relational Frame Theory). I have found that by utilizing an approach like ACT, clients create psychological flexibility with the language they use by dropping such words as "need", "should", "have to", "right", "wrong" and defusing language in order to deconstruct self-perceptions.. These language tasks then can help clients lead to changes in external behaviors with the assistance of exploring values and mindfulness practices in order to enhance awareness and acceptance of ALL thoughts, not just ones we as clinicians may want for them. For it takes the appreciation of the suffering and the joy in order to appreciate the whole person. Again, it is wonderful to see psychologists (like yourself) getting involved with the conversation of treatment of stuttering. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. With compassion and kindness, Scott

Last changed: 10/22/12