Office Hours: The Professor Is In

Re: Cure

From: Keith Boss
Date: 02 Oct 2012
Time: 02:40:30 -0500
Remote Name:


Hi Sachin, A very interesting question. I recently spent 4.5 days at the Arlilia Stuttering Correction Center in Moscow. They have opened two more centers in Poland. Like many SLPs/SLTs they have been trying for decades to offer the best help possible to PWS of all ages. They have tried, refined, discarded many methods. They have now homed in on a combination of holistic treatments which remove the existing stuttering speech state and build a new speech state. Patients become 'stutter free'. I observed the process by joining groups at different stages through the up to 320 hours of work with SLPs. I can testify the 'stutter free' aspect (having seen video of them before treatment), but did not have the opportunity to ask or see what was going on in people's minds. I do know from school and parent's reports that a 'cure' (both speech and mental attitude) did take place. One child, several years later did not remember stuttering. (I cannot say if this child was one to the 20% possible persistent stutters). I want to make SLPs/SLTs world wide more aware of what they are doing. I am working with them to make this happen. We must Skype soon so I can speak more. Keith

Last changed: 10/22/12