Office Hours: The Professor Is In

Re: Cultural factors in stuttering prevalence & severity numbers

From: Klaas Bakker, Springfield Missouri
Date: 06 Oct 2012
Time: 18:19:56 -0500
Remote Name:


There is not much left for me to add, except for highlighting that there are different ways in which we can think about "prevalence". Prevalene, strinctly points to a binary stutterer-not-stutterer distinction and doesn't particularly look at the many ways in which we stutter, react to stuttering or confront reactions to our stuttering by others. I really think the 1% prevalence number doesn't budge much across cultures, languages, and now also for a significant period of time. Even so, what happens to us if we belong to the 1% can be markedly different. Prevalence doesn't tell us anything about severity, or patterns of behaviors, and how any of these could be affected by our background and culture within or across the countries of the world. In that sense it tells us very little.

Last changed: 10/22/12