Letter To the Speech-Language Pathologist

Dear Speech/Language Pathologist,

Journal Writing For Children Who Stutter is a manual designed to provide both student and therapist with starting points for discussion, development of management techniques, self-examination, observations, and measurable goals and results. Stuttering therapy, especially in the school setting, is often limited by schedules and settings. Fluency is usually enhanced by the nature of the environment: a small/nonexistent audience, and an understanding and empathetic therapist. Parents and teachers often report greater frequency and severity of stuttering outside the therapy setting. This manual will bring you and your students to the "outside" via writing and conversation.

The technical aspects of this tool include a simple, self-explanatory format that can be used and understood quickly. Your professional background of all characteristics of communication skills is all the preparation you need to begin and follow through with the journal. You do not have to have expertise or therapy experience with fluency disorders. We believe you will become comfortable and confident in your treatment of stuttering as you progress through the journal writing process. The journal is an efficient use of a small amount of time allowed for therapy sessions in the school setting. The first five or ten minutes of the session can be devoted to writing. Most speech pathologists see students back to back with little time to transition from one group/individual to the next. The time spent writing in the journal gives you a few minutes (maybe more) to prepare materials and yourself to work with your student who stutters. We encourage you to be flexible with the journal. You can start almost anywhere in the first three levels, and skip around, if necessary. Use your judgment and follow the lead of the child. Your roles will be as confidante, teacher, listener, reader, and counselor. You will discover that you have more experience and success with counseling than you realize. You do it all the time, not just with students who stutter. When the journal elicits serious issues that you do not feel qualified to address, other trained professionals should be consulted. Journal Writing For Children Who Stutter is a step toward successful management of fluency disorders, which will have varying results. It is designed to foster trust and interpersonal communication skills with set goals and a plan to achieve them.

Good luck,
Jackie Biagini & Judy Butler