New Technologies
Well, sort of new anyway. This section will highlight Blogs, Videos, and Podcasts featuring stuttering. There are many additional examples online that highlight specific therapy programs for those interested in doing some research.
This page has been translated into Portuguese by Artur Weber and added here February 15, 2018. As links are updated or no longer functioning, those changes may not be reflected in the translation.
"Twitter is an online social networking service that enables users to send and read short 140-character messages called 'tweets.'" Below are a few Twitters about stuttering that may be of interest
- Norbert's Twitter
- Stutter Source - Heather Grossman
- National Stuttering Association
- Stuttering Foundation
- Stuttering Is Cool
( announces new links on Judy Kuster's Stuttering Home Page
Many of these blogs were written several years ago and not maintained, but they still may contain interesting ideas and insights. Some are current and well maintained.
The word "blog" is short for "web log" and is "a shared on-line journal where people can post diary entries about their personal experiences and hobbies." (Onelook Dictionary). Below are examples of blogs which focus on stuttering.
- The Stuttering Brain by Tom Weidig
- Pebbles Under the Tongue by John MacIntyre
- Stuttering Student by John.
- Chasing the Fluency God - by Rob, from Marietta, GA
- My Stupid Mouth - by Patrick Griffin, Worcester, MA
- Parole de Begue
- Lori's Journey Dealing With Stuttering - a blog by Lori Melnitsky
- Indian Stammering Association Blog
- Steven on Stuttering - a blog by Steven Kaufman
- Make Room for the Stuttering - by Pam Mertz
- "Stuttering Jack" from Australia
- Un Olivier Sur Un Iceberg by Oliveier L. (in French)
- Stammerheadshark - a blog about learning to live with an acquired neurological stammer by Jo Leese
- Goodbye Begaiement - a blog (in French) by Laurent Lagarde
- Voice Unearthed - A Parent's Perspective on Therapy for Children Who Stutter a blog by Dorie Holte
- Just another WordPress site - a blog by Katherine Preston.
- Stutter Culture - blog by Anita Blom
- How to stutter more: rethinking fluency by Emma, a person who stutters
- Liz's Speech Therapy Ideas for Fluency
- The Stuttering Source, a blog by Brooke Leiman
- Mindful Stuttering by Oli Cheadle (
- Did I Stutter?
- Hello, I Stutter by Rehan Nasir
A FEW Facebook Groups
There are numerous Facebook Groups about fluency disorders that have emerged. Several groups are listed below. To find more, enter "stuttering" in the Facebook Search.
- Official National/International Groups
- General Stuttering groups
- Facebook groups with special focusInternational Network of Entrepreneurs Who Stutter
- Additional Facebook groups with over 500 members
- Facebook Causes that aren't asking for donations
An online video search with the keyword stuttering, stutterer, stutter, or stammering will uncover many examples of stuttering videos - some just a few seconds long, others over 30 minutes long. Some of the videos can be downloaded to your computer to watch off-line. Others (notably on must be viewed online. Below are several good examples of videos about stuttering. There are also MANY videos that could be considered "informercials' for specific therapy programs, some showing interesting before and after videos. If you are interested in infomercials or videos providing information about specific programs, feel free to search on,, and other video search strategies on yahoo, etc.
- A Playlist of Popular Speech-Language Pathology & Stuttering videos features links to 200 videos
- Dr. Michael Boyle: Disclosing Stuttering 1 hour 20 minute YouTube discussion posted by the American Institute for Stuttering
- Wait, Wait, I'm Not Finished Yet - from the Michael Palin Centre online YouTube videos featuring young people who stammer (stutter)- 20 minute version and 12 minute version
- Sometimes I Stutter an animated video from Gilles Desmadrille
- Sophie Gustafson GWAA Acceptance Speech - excellent example of not using word avoidances.
- A video-based Online Fluency resource for assessing stuttering of an eight year old conducted in IsiXhosa, an African language, a culturally and linguistically relevant assessment followed by questions to facilitate reflective learning for Speech-language therapists, by Harsha Kathard, South Africa.
- Stotteren: Een (korte) animatiefilm from Belgium (BSV) and translated into English as Stuttering: a short animation film - this excellent 8 minute animation was made by 2 students from the Artevelde High School in Belgium, shared by Belgische Stottervereniging, the Dutch Stuttering Association
- Jeff Shames biographical film, Spit It Out (important - enter film title in the search box)
- "Joseph G. Sheehan's Message to a Stutterer" and "No Words to Say"- Two Classic Educational Documentaries about Stuttering Therapy from Ron Amick Streaming on vimeo
- Films by Phil and Uri Schneider
- Transcending Stuttering by Phil Schneider (28 min 25 sec)
- Going with the Flow by Phil and Uri Schneider (
- Freely available Videos from The Stuttering Foundation
- Stuttering: Straight Talk for Teens (31 minutes)
- Stuttering For Kids By Kids ( also available in Spanish (12 minutes)
- Stuttering: Straight Talk for Teachers (20 min 26 sec)
- Stuttering and your child: Help for Parents also available in Spanish
- If You Stutter: Advice for Adults
- Stuttering - A Listener's Guide - a video by Jaan Pill
- The Case of the Stuttering Pig - Warner Brothers cartoon (7 min 46 sec) (Several, full-length Porky Pig cartoons are available online at
- Remembering NSA conferences
- Scatman John at 1995 NSP Convention - A 9 minute video of a keynote presentation by "Scatman John" made freely available online by John's widow, Judy McHugh Larkin. John Larkin passed away December 3, 1999. He was a person who stuttered and was known for his "scatsinging" which he said was an example of how his "greatest problem has become my greatest asset." Professionally he was best known for his successful recordings in Europe on the BMG/RCA label. John received "Best New International Artist of the Year" in Japan and the German "ECHO" award for foreign artists. He also received awards from Italy, France, Poland, Hong Kong and elsewhere.
- 2011 NSA Conference Video - 6 minutes on YouTube
- 2012 National Stuttering Association Conference Video 6 minutes on YouTube
- Senator Joe Biden at the National Stuttering Association Convention 3 minute clip of his Keynote Address
- My Stuttering Tap "An animation using paper cutouts about what it is like to have a stammer"
- Nate's Stuttering Videos - a series of YouTube videos starting when Nate was in 2nd grade, to help educate about stuttering.
- Stammering is no joke by Leys Geddes.
- Welcome to Scatman World (4 min 30 sec)
- Music videos of Gareth Gates (many more available on
- School-age Stuttering: Enhancing Generalization - a video by Nina Reeves MS, CCC-SLP, "discusses five ways speech-language pathologists (SLPs) can enhance generalization of therapy concepts and skills in children who stutter."
- Minimizing Bullying is a series of four videos from Stuttering Therapy Resources by J. Scott Yaruss, PhD, CCC-SLP, on how to help children who stutter minimize bullying.
Podcasts and Online Radio
A podcast is a digital media file distributed over the Internet using syndication feeds, like a "radio." These files can be playbacked on a portable media player (like an iPod) or your computer. (Wikipedia)
- David Mitchell interview - (Jan 2006). author talks about his novel, Black Swan Green which features a boy who stutters.
- Stammering: Its impact on women's lives and how it can be helped interview with Rachel Everard, chair of the BSA (September 2004)
- Wrestling with Words (February 2004) - a BBC Radio 4 program exploring stammering, featuring Philip French.
- Stammering Story - John Peel interview on BBC radio with Brian and his son Daniel (April 2007)
- Weekend America guest host Alex Cohen interviewed Rob Bloom about managing the fear of speaking. Just click on "Speaking up" and it will play.
- StutterTalk Podcast hosted by Peter Reitzes and Eric Jackson.
- StutterTalk on YouTube
- Stuttering is cool - an open mic podcast for people who stutter
Google+ Hangouts
Google+ Hangouts provide opportunity for live video calls with up to 10 people. The following are used to schedule meeting times for information and small support group opportunities
- Stutter Social - a Hangout (a group video conference call accommodating up to ten people at once for chatting and discussion about stuttering-related issues), hosted by David Resnick, Daniele Rossi, Evan Sherman, Krishna, and Mitchell Trichon.