Office Hours: The Professor Is In
I Have To Put This One Out There - Confidence
From: Pamela Mertz
Date: 19 Oct 2012
Time: 21:28:23 -0500
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A SLP student commented on my paper and asked some questions about confidence. Her comments and insights are wonderful, and I actually need to process her feedback before thoughtfully replying. Part of her question to me is wonderful, so I thought I would post it here too and see what people think. ~~~~~~~~~~ Laurent writes "in being a more confident speaker, do you feel as though your "listeners" recognize you for that? Do you feel that a PWS who has come to terms with his/her disfluency portrays him/herself to society in the same manner as a PWS who is still dealing with internal struggles? Do you think that "inner piece of confidence" is readily recognized by society?" ~~~~~~~ This really resonated with me as a unique and interesting question. Thoughts? ~Pam
Last changed: 10/22/12