ISAD 2009 Announcements

Sea Green for Stuttering Awareness

From: Michael Sugarman
Date: 15 Oct 2009
Time: 06:57:33 -0500
Remote Name:


People have asked, "What color do we use for stuttering awareness?" This year marks the debut of a stuttering awareness ribbon. The color is sea green. The color "blue" has traditionally been associated with calm while "green" represents liberty, freedom and justice. The combination of these colors for People who Stutter shows the bond between "peace" and "liberation" when finding support and community with other people who understand and share their experiences. These are reflected in the "Bill of Rights and Responsibilities of People who Stutter":  Remember to wear Sea Green clothes or ribbon on October 22nd to raise awareness about stuttering and the issues people who stutter face everyday.

Last changed: 10/15/09