ISAD 2009 Announcements

ISAD, Morgantown, West Virgina, USA

From: Ken St. Louis
Date: 22 Oct 2009
Time: 11:08:18 -0500
Remote Name:


This evening, at West Virginia University, we will host an "open house" for the Morgantown and surrounding communities to let people know what help is available for people who stutter and their families and friends. We will showcase our local chapter of the National Stuttering Association (twice monthly), our group therapy for high school/college students and adults (weekly), proposed group for parents of children who stutter (monthly), and individual therapy (1-2 times per week). To advertise the event, we sent press releases to several newspapers, and have had stories in the Morgantown Dominion Post, the Fairmont Times West Virginian, and Wheeling Intelligencer. Megan Hutson, one of our regulars in the NSA, group therapy, and individual therapy options was interviewed in two of the articles, one of which was entitled, "'Safe Haven' Available for Stutterers." We hope to increase awareness of these options to anyone who might wish to get help or support for their stuttering or for someone they love who stutters. I'm crossing my fingers. :-)

Last changed: 10/22/09