ISAD 2009 in Burkina Faso

Like in the past years, Action Contre le begaiement (ACB), the Burkina Faso stuttering association will receive students in the field of SLP and speech therapists from France.

Through October 27, we have 12 students. 6 of them have been working in Ouagadougou (capital of the country) and the 6 others have been working in Bobo Dioulasso (the second biggest city of the country).Their presence is helpful for us particularly as far as taking care of children who stutter is concerned. In fact, when parents contact us, we provide advice on how they can help their children and we let the team of students act directly with children. The students will also participate at our self help group meeting and other activities.


On October 21, we will receive 2 SLP that will come with 4 adolescents that established contacts with adolescents who stutter in Burkina Faso through the internet.

On October 22, we will have a big TV broadcast show with about 25 participants during which the journalist will ask questions about stuttering, ISAD and our activities.

Also on the 22nd, a message of ACB related to the importance of ISAD will be published by the major newspaper of Burkina faso.

We will also participate in three live radio broadcasts.


In response to the pressing need expressed by many persons from Bobo Dioulasso, this year we decided to do a conference at this city at about 360 km from Ouagadougou. It would be our first time to do such big conference outside of Ouagadougou.

Despite limited means we are so proud to be able to do things to help people who stutter in our country.