ISAD 2009 Announcements

CEU Training for SLPS In Albany, NY

From: Pamela Mertz
Date: 29 Sep 2009
Time: 07:59:01 -0500
Remote Name:


Pam Mertz, Joe Klein, PhD, CCC-SLP, and Steve Marchant, MS, CCC-SLP will present a six hour training to the SLP community in Albany NY. The name of the training is: Don't Be Afraid of Stuttering: Practical and Functional Approaches to Stuttering Therapy". We have been asked to deliver training on stuttering for the annual Fall Conference of CASHA (Capital Area Speech and Hearing Association). It is fortunate that the date coincides with ISAD as we will feature the on-line conference papers in our resource section. What a great opportunity to teach professionals about stuttering from the perspective of three professionals who stutter. Please see the brochure at the following link for more information:

Last changed: 09/29/09