Announcements for ISAD 2006

Excellent media coverage of ISAD in Croatia!

From: Suzana Jelcic Jaksic
Date: 22 Oct 2006
Time: 10:40:35 -0500
Remote Name:


Best wishes to everyone for ISAD 06 from Croatia! We are happy to conclude today that this year's ISAD celebration in Croatia was a great success. We had replies to our ISAD press release from several national and local newspapers, radio and TV stations. An article about stuttering and ISAD activities in Croatia was published in national daily newspaper, "Vjesnik" on October 9th (, and we expect an article in another newspaper, "Vecernji list", tomorrow or on Tuesday. Croatian family magazine "Tena" will have an article about stuttering in its next issue, in ten days. During this week stuttering was twice a theme on Croatian national TV station, HTV1. On Tuesday afternoon, I was a guest as an SLP and PWS in a very well-watched afternoon programme for almost ten minutes and on Wednesday afternoon I was on a 30-min. talk show about stuttering with a girl who stutters, her mother, teacher, and onother adult who stutters. We were asked on Friday and Saturday to talk about ISAD to two local radio stations for several minutes, and Croatian Catholic Radio had a 30 min programme about stuttering on Friday morning. ISAD in Croatia ended yesterday afternoon with the exhibition of drawings of children and young people who stutter that opened yesterday afternoon in the Zagreb Youth Centre. There were 55 drawings exhibited and most of their authors were present, some with their parents, siblings and other relatives and friends. Although we had hoped for more visitors, the good thing is that some "Hinko" adult members and parents met there, exchanged their experiences and came up with some very useful suggestions.

Last changed: 10/22/06