Announcements for ISAD 2006

Croatian Association for People Who Stutter

From: Mirjana Lasan
Date: 16 Oct 2006
Time: 07:00:23 -0500
Remote Name:


This year, Croatian Association for People Who Stutter "Hinko Freund" has been very active in celebrating ISAD. The central activity refers to a stuttering drawings exhibition that will be held the day before ISAD. All children and adults, authors of about 50 drawings will be there together with their families and friends. We've also invited media to follow this happening. Also, an article about stuttering and ISAD was published in a national daily journal last week. This week, the president of our Association will be the guest in a 30 min show on a national radio station. The show is dedicated to stuttering and ISAD as well. Again this week, there will be a 30 min show on a national TV where a CWS and her mother, a teacher, an adult who stutters and SLT will talk and discuss about different topics related to stuttering. As every year, our partner has made a poster for ISAD which will be distributed to different institutions in several cities in Croatia

Last changed: 10/16/06