ISAD 2011 Announcements

Annual ISAD event in Sydney, Australia

From: Ann Packman
Date: 17 Oct 2011
Time: 01:49:59 -0500
Remote Name:


Each year, in recognition of ISAD, the Australian Stuttering Research Centre at The University of Sydney and the Australian Speak Easy Association hold a forum on stuttering at the Faculty of Education and Social Work, The University of Sydney. The aim is to raise awareness among student teachers about stuttering in schools. This year, the theme was "Stuttering in the Classroom". The forum started with the wonderful 10-minute Michael Palin Centre video "Wait, wait, I'm not finished yet", in which children tell teachers what it is like to have a stutter and what they can do to help. Then Speak Easy members recalled their experiences in the classroom, researchers discussed the nature and cause of stuttering and speech pathologists talked about what they do. We like to think that each year around 90 soon-to-be teachers enter their profession having a greater understanding of stuttering and how they can help.

Last changed: 08/10/13