ISAD 2008 Announcements

ISAD 2008 in Croatia

From: Suzana Jelcic Jaksic
Date: 30 Oct 2008
Time: 05:56:15 -0600
Remote Name:


This year The Croatian Association of People Who Stutter "Hinko Freund" has iniciated the idea of proclaiming The Stuttering Awareness Day at the local (The City of Zagreb) and the national level. On the ISAD, with financial support from the City of Zagreb, we are organizing a press conference followed by a public tribune on the ISAD theme and "Hinko Freund" annual meeting - all at the Children's Hospital Zagreb. We published the adopted Croatian vesion of the ISAD poster and informative leaflet (you can download them at ). So far, we have been invited to participate in national TV (HTV1) morning program (seven minutes) and at the Zagreb county radio station program (30 minutes) on the day prior to ISAD.

Last changed: 10/30/08