Announcements for ISAD 2007


From: Judy Kuster
Date: 19 Oct 2007
Time: 13:26:00 -0500
Remote Name:


Reviving the tradition of an ISAD World Demonstration AT 12:00 NOON ON OCTOBER 22 by turning to the person next to you and telling that person that you stutter, like millions of others, and that you are proud to communicate. Or, if you are a SLP or a student studying to become an SLP, or parent or sister or brother, talk to someone about stuttering. If you are not with someone at noon on October 22, call someone of the telephone. If everyone around the world does this, people will be learning about stuttering on the hour, every hour, someplace in the world. During one of these "demonstrations" an amazing thing happened in Mankato, Minnesota. At 12:00 on October 22, one of my students turned to the person next to her in line at a fast food restaurant and each of them started to tell the other information about stuttering at the same time. They had never met before, but both knew about the ISAD World Demonstration. Could that happen again this year some place? If we all keep doing this year after year, think how many people we can reach. Together we can make a difference for people who stutter all over the world.

Last changed: 10/26/07