Argentinian Stuttering Association

28 th and 29 th October
Conferences on training in stuttering and a meeting to integrate people who stutter
Commorating the international day of consciousness about stuttering

The contact person in Argentina is:
Claudia L. Díaz
Vice-President A.A.T.

Friday 28th
8: 00 Accreditation
8:30 Opening, Welcome speech
Presentation of the Jorge Luis Borges Award
Miss Miriam Lobato
Graduate Claudia Diaz
President and Vice President of the A. A. T
Presentation of the A. A. T. Institutional video.

9:30 Speech by the graduate Jose Luis Acevedo from G. C . B. A.

10:00 Motor and pre-motor aspects of the
in charge of the graduate Beatriz Touzet, professor of the U.B.A.
founder of the Argentinian Stuttering Association

10:00 Workshop : “Self help group” from Piñeiro Hospital. In charge of Claudia Bayramian

10:45 Open space for questions

11:00 The language therapeutic test. Strategy of inter-disciplinary derivation
In charge of graduate Graciela Fiocca and Mara Sverdlik
Testing team of the A.A.T.

11:30 The importance of the diagnostic test for the inter-disciplinary work for patients who stutter.
In charge of the graduate Mara Sverdlik
Space for questions.

12:00 to 13:00   Pause|

13:00 to 13:30 Space to practice the proceedings for a comfortable speech.
Open participation

14:00 The comfort while speaking.
Multi-dimensional focus on the stuttering.
In charge of the graduate M. Marta Gebara and graduate Mariela Ginhson

14:14 Space for questions

15:00 Self help group. Cordoba city. In charge of the graduate Alicia Rosello.

15:45 Space for questions

16:00 Self help group. Participation space.
In charge of Miss Miriam Lobato, A.A.T. president

15:00 Workshop “the emphaty, a meeting way” in charge of professor Norma Esper ( A.A.T. member)

Saturday, 29

9:00 to 9:30 Space to practice the proceedings for a comfortable speech
Open participation

10:00 How do we feel about stuttering?
Integrating insight
In charge of professor Norma Esper, with the participation of the priest Luis Farinello, Miss Miriam Lobato, graduates Patricia Suarez and Claudia Diaz.

11:00 Space for questions

11:15 Space for parents . the role of parents in the treatment with little children.
In charge of professor Beatriz Capurro ( A.A.T member ) and parents invited.

12:00 to 13:00 pause

13:00 The role of paediatrics in a child in risk of
paediatricians and parents invited

13:45 Space for questions

14:00 Bullying : Institutional project , pilot test.
In charge of the graduate Julieta Castro, Viviana Jusid and Claudia Diaz ( A.A.T members)

14:45 space for questions

15:00 integrating and corporal dynamics with open participation

13:00 Workshop “Communication with each other” for people who stutter In charge of Miriam Lobato.