Announcements for ISAD 2005

Croatia celebrates ISAD

From: Suzana Jelcic Jaksic
Date: 22 Oct 2005
Time: 07:00:47 -0500
Remote Name:


ISAD was celebrated in Croatia this year jointly with the 5th anniversary of the Croatian Association for People Who Stutter "Hinko Freund". Again, we had the Croatian version of ISAD poster (avaliable at presented and spread to several regions of our country. The presentation titled "The importance of early intervention in children who stutter" was given at the 13th Congress of European union for school medicine, held in Dubrovnik, 12-15 October. Local SLP's held press Conference in Dubrovnik on October 20th. "Hinko Freund" annual meeting was held on Friday, October 21st, and was opened to public. ISAD press reliese was sent to our national press agency and ISAD was announced through national media.

Last changed: 10/31/05