Announcements for ISAD 2005

Celebrate ISAD by continuing to learn more about stuttering therapy

From: Leslie Fauquet M.A. CCC SLP
Date: 14 Oct 2005
Time: 12:16:58 -0500
Remote Name:


Just in time for International Stuttering Awareness Day is an on-line course in stuttering treatment by Dale Williams,PhD. Besides being an essay contributor and one of the professors for "The Professor is In" for ISAD, Dr. Williams is an Associate Professor at Florida Atlantic University and Director of the Fluency Clinic. He is also author of a new book called Stuttering Recovery: Personal and Empirical Perspectives. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. is proud to announce that Dr. Williams has written an excellent course called Stuttering Management: Indirect and Direct Therapy. As stuttering affects individuals from preschool through adulthood, there are treatment issues relevant to clients of all ages. What the specific issues are, however, change as clients grow older. For this reason, the course is divided into two main sections - preschool children and older clients. At the completion of this course participants will be able to: * indicate the rationale behind different approaches to stuttering therapy, * identify the differences between indirect and direct therapy methods for children and * state specific methods to individualize treatment for their clients. is approved by the Continuing Education Board of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) to provide continuing education activities in speech-language pathology and audiology. This program is offered for .2 CEUs (Introductory level; Professional area). ASHA CE Provider approval does not imply endorsement of course content, specific products, or clinical procedures. The price is $60.00 is affordable, convenient, and offers you immediate results by being able to print your certificate upon successful completion of a course. Enroll in the course now at is expanding our fluency section and would like to invite other authors to participate. Please visit and submit an application if you are interested. Watch for our upcoming courses by Scott Yaruss Ph.D. 1) Clinical Measurement of Stuttering Behaviors: A Practical Course 2) Practical Counseling Strategies for Speech-Language Pathologists

Last changed: 10/31/05