Announcements for ISAD 2002

ISAD in Argentina

From: Claudia Diaz
Date: 10/21/02
Time: 1:10:48 PM
Remote Name:


We are the Argentine Association for the Stuttering ( A.A.T. ). Our institution is made up people who stutter sometimes, parents of stuttering children, speech therapists, psychologists, body expression instructors, music and creativity teachers, and people who co-operate with us day by day, in countless ways. This is our dream: "A society that understands stuttering"

October 22 nd. is the International Day of Stuttering Awareness. Very different events will be organized worldwide to awake more awareness on this difficulty. Next 27 th. October. At 3 p.m., you are invited to play with us. There is a site in front of Garraham Children�s Hospital, between the streets Combate de los Pozos, Brasil Av, Pichincha St and Juan de Garay Ave. (If it rains, it will take place on the following Sunday). We will be using a cheap toy: a kite. We are going to unreel the wire, so that our kites will fly high up like colourful words under the same sky. For this reason, our project is named: flying. Our aim is to tet the oportunities to understand each other flu up, to release love, tolerance and respect, to set them free and to achieve a healthy communication among all for us. We would like to release old misconceptions and obsolete stereotypes, to let go of our fears and to liberate our words, so our message will fly and we will make ourselves heard. To us, what is important is what we say and not how we say it.

A.A.T. Our center of activities: Facultad de Medicina U.B.A. ( University College of Medicine) Tel / Fax 458-3965 e-mail

Last changed: September 14, 2005