An English Translation

Stutterblues (C7- D7 - E7)

I wish I hadn't all these stutters

these words cleaving (sticking) in my mouth (on my tongue)

Believe me there isn't anything worse

even as an ulcer on your butt.


I wish I had a real big mouth

so I could hide myself behind it.

Just chat along without any fear

walk in all places without knocking.


wish I wouldn't have to talk no more.

silence as my own trade mark.

wish not have to make no contact.

(Wouldn't have to make any contact.)

Here's mister silence at work (on duty).


That stupid stuttering.


I wish I had more confidence

a little more faith (belief) in myself.

a fellow you can build on,

than my speech would flow (of itself) along.


I wish I had a real nice snout (a pretty face)

a face where all the girls would fall for.

I wish I felt more on my ease.

Why do I always have to spoil things. (Why am I always the looser.)


I wish I didn't stand alone

with a thousand words that don't come (out)

talking like hobbling on one leg.

Man, you're dreaming again. (don't moon about your speech)


That stupid stuttering.


They say: "Pay attention to your breath!"

or "Why do you talk so fast?"

"You shouldn't be so nervous!"

"Think well before you speak." (""if you think well it will succeed.")


Why should I keep my mouth shut,

while I have so much to say.

So much words and so much tension.

If you don't shut up, you get a slap.


Certainly, don't look in the eyes.

"Talk with your hands in your neck."

Everybody knows the answer.

("everyone knows what stuttering is, except the expert")

(West '68)

If they don't keep their mouth shut, I get crazy.


That stupid stuttering.