Announcements for ISAD 2001

ISAD promotion for the second time in Croatia

From: Suzana Jelcic Jaksic
Date: 10/21/01
Time: 1:23:05 PM
Remote Name:


On the occasion of ISAD, the Croatian Association for People Who Stutter "Hinko Freund" has convened press-conference. The purpose is to inform public about our contract with the Croatian Telecom as our general sponsor for the next year, which includes their financial help, pressing and distribution of two broshures about stuttering in children and telephoning for persons who stutter, and hosting the Association's web-sites ( During the conference the ISDN link will be established with one of Croatian most popular pop singer, Gibonni, who also stutters - all for the purpose of fulfilling the moto of this year's ISAD and encouraging other successful people who stutter to share their experiances with stuttering. We'll also promote our ISAD 2001 poster and the movie-operating firm in Zagreb has donated us with free tickets for the evening show, for our young members.

Last changed: September 12, 2005