Announcements for ISAD 2001

ISAD in Cameroon

From: Joseph Lukong
Date: 10/15/01
Time: 7:53:53 AM
Remote Name:


In connection to ISAD 01 SCAC program of activities is as follows.

Sunday 21 October we shall have a talk with youths of the P.C. Church Bonaberi Douala after the Sunday services.

Monday 22 9a.m to 9.45 am we shall have a talk atSst Louis Bilingual Primary School Douala where one SCAC member is a teacher. this school has a pupil population of about 337 with 42 stuttering pupils

Monday 22 2.30pm to 3.30 pm a talk shall be give at Lycee Mbiame still on that day some SCAC members will move around town talking to people about stuttering.

At 4 pm that day a talk shall be given to women of one social and cultural group here called BONGKISHERI. It is a women group having about 160 members.

At about 8 pm on that day SCAC adult members shall meet at our meeting place to assess the day's activities and one member has offered us light refreshments after our assessment.

Last changed: September 12, 2005