The Dutch Stuttering Information Centre 

The Dutch Stuttering Information Centre
(of awareness, expertise by experience and co-operation)
Joost van Ommen
Chairman of the Dutch Stuttering Association Demosthenes

My whole life I have been and still am aware of my own stuttering (most of the time). I think that I am an expert on stuttering, especially my own stuttering. I am always aware of somebody else’s stuttering. I compare it with my own stuttering and I think: ªWell ...´.

I am fully aware of the fact that I look through coloured spectacles at stuttering. That’s called expertise by experience. Expertise by experience is only a part of the story. Our Dutch stuttering association Demosthenes has about 700 members who stutter. So 700 experts by experience, 700 parts of the story about stuttering.

To give more objective information on stuttering we have been working together for many years with stutter therapists and parents of stuttering children. Two years ago we joined together with the Dutch Association of Stuttertherapy (NVST) and the Dutch Stutter Federation (NFS). The federation intends to give objective/impartial information on stuttering, to raise funds and to support research.

One of the first projects set up was a Stuttering Information and Documentation Centre. The importance of a Dutch Stuttering Information Centre with one telephone number and one internet-site is evident. For stutterers, parents of stuttering children, teachers etc. it was often a long search through a labyrinth of doctors, health and social welfare authorities, official and non-official therapies and therapists.

Since 1994 we have organised, every three years, a Stotterweek (a Stutter Week). A week in which we seek attention for stuttering, we give information on stuttering and raise funds.

As mentioned in 1997 the Dutch Stuttering Federation was founded, and we started with the Stuttering Information Centre. However, that was not enough to attract the attention of the media and the Dutch people.

Just obtaining attention for stuttering was not enough, seeking attention for stuttering children was better. The proposition was: stuttering is a problem which can be treated very well for young children. Therefore: Prevention of a little problem before it becomes a big one. We chose the theme: For a stuttering child every talk is a lecture.

The introduction of the Dutch Stuttering Information Centre and the opening of it by the Dutch Secretary of Welfare, Health and Sport, Mrs Erica Terpstra, was necessary to obtain the attention of television and radio.

We have made TV commercials (one of 3 minutes and 3 of about 20 seconds) based on the theme described above.

I would like to show you the video.

Purpose of the campaign:

  • To bring stuttering to the attention of society.
  • To obtain sympathy.
  • To generate money from donations.


Target audience: Because the NFS (D+NVST) is a charity, it appeals to the sympathy of the average consumer. Therefore, the target audience of the campaign was everybody in the Netherlands.

Communication strategy: The consumer’s motivation to donate money has to be improved. To improve this motivation we had to take into consideration the following aspects:

Message: Consumers are motivated to donate money when the results are noticeable.

Impact: When communicating something new the attention of the audience will be increased (think
about the Aids communication).

Tone-of-voice: The chances of people donating money will be better when the message affects the
target audience.


Stuttering is a problem which can be treated very well for young children. Therefore: Prevent that little problem becoming a big one.

TV scripts

The three TV-commercials and the Socutera-movie were recorded in a school class setting. Every commercial has its own special class-set. We see a gym, blackboard and a hall. All children are real stutterers. They are shot with a slightly moving camera to give the films extra emotion.

The commercials go straight to the heart by showing real stutterers talking about their problems in a school situation.

TV commercials - Socutera movie

Voice over:

  • There are 200,000 stuttering children in the Netherlands, every year this number increases by 10,000 more.
  • Stuttering children have it very difficult especially at school.
  • At an early stage, stuttering children can be helped. But up until now stuttering can not be prevented.
  • So far the real cause of stuttering is not known.
  • The Dutch Stuttering Association (NFS) informs and supports research.
    • For a stuttering child every talk is a lecture. Help prevent stuttering.
    • Donations to: Giro 66969, Utrecht.


Title: For a stuttering child every talk is a lecture.


Do you still remember how nervous you were for your first lecture on school? Shaking knees, a dry throat and everybody is staring at you? Stuttering children have this feeling every moment of the day. For with every conversation there is the fear of annoying reactions. The NFS does everything to prevent stuttering. We give information to parents: In an early stage, one can prevent stuttering becoming a problem. In addition we support research. To keep that research going we are dependent on donors. The stuttering children hope for your gift. For more information call the Stutter Information Centre in Utrecht: 030-2333336

Help prevent stuttering!

TV commercial ªClass´ (20 seconds)

Boy: When I stand there (in front of the class), and everybody is looking at me, I’ll
get nervous. I start talking faster and faster and start stuttering.

Voice over: For a stuttering child every talk is a lecture. Help prevent stuttering.

Donate to: Giro 66969, Utrecht.ö

TV commercial ªQuestion´ (20 seconds)

Boy: When I want to ask somebody a question, I start wondering: shall I ask it or

Voice over: For a stuttering child every talk is a lecture. Help prevent stuttering.

Donate to: Giro 66969, Utrecht.

TV commercial ªMartijn´ (15 seconds)

Boy: My name is Mar, Mar, Mar, Mar, Mar, .....Martijn.

Voice over: For a stuttering child every talk is a lecture. Help prevent stuttering.

Donate to: Giro 66969, Utrecht.

(I would like to thank the Advertising Agency BBC&W and Hollander & Van der Mey/MS&L, public relation consultants for their disinterested co-operation)