Stuttering Is Okay
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About the presenters: Luc Tielens graduated in Logopedie and Audiologie in Antwerp (1982) and received licensure in de Logopedie en Audiologie at the Catholic University of Leuven (1985) (Master in speech and language). Followed a lot of courses about stuttering and all the world conferences of IFA (Munich, San Francisco, Nyborg). I have a private "stuttering center" in Herent near Leuven with 6 colleages. I work at the university of Leuven in the department of speech therapy: giving the practical courses in stuttering therapy, complementary to the courses of Prof. DeNil. I also work in a school with autistic adolescents. I like to make and play my own music.
Timothy is 10 years old |
Stuttering is Okay
by Luc Tielens and Timothy
from Belgium
A few months ago Timothy asked me if we could make a song about his stuttering. We agreed it should be a positive song. It was made of course in our native language (Dutch). And you can hear the original song below. We also made an English version of the song. Timothy had to learn the pronunciation of every English word, because he doesn't know the language. This was very important for him. The song was recorded on my PC with an ordinary microphone. It is also below.
This activity could be adapted for children or adults in therapy - writing a poem and perhaps setting it to music!
Stuttering is Okay (in English) I have a date with Lucky just to talk you know I've been stuttering ever since I was a little kid Only 3 years old and still I learned to deal with it Do do do do do you know That stuttering is okay Anytime and anyplace You can go on all day! (You you you don't have to be afraid!) Most people think that it's so embarrassing But it is not, to me it is a normal thing I dare to dare the things I never did before We have lots of fun I can tell you that for sure Do do do do do you know That stuttering is okay Anytime and anyplace You can go on all day! (You you you don't have to be afraid!) When you start to stutter do not panic Even if you're talking to that pretty chick Take your time and do it just the way you can. Even if you thought it wouldn't go, "oh man!" Do do do do do you know That stuttering is okay Anytime and anyplace You can go on all day! (You you you don't have to be afraid!) |
Stotteren Echt Mag (in Dutch) Ik stotter al van toen ik bijna 3 jaar was Toen zat ik nog maar in de eerste kleuterklas Wee wee wee wee weet je al dat stotteren echt mag Van 's morgens vroeg tot 's avonds laat het mag de hele dag Nee nee nee je hoeft niet bang te zijn De meeste mensen denken dat 't vervelend is Maar wij weten wel beter want ze zijn toch lekker mis We leren heel veel durven en we lachen ons een deuk We lezen veel verhalen en dat vind ik wel heel Wee wee wee wee weet je al dat stotteren echt mag Van 's morgens vroeg tot 's avonds laat het mag de hele dag Nee nee nee je hoeft niet bang te zijn Geraak je in een stotter panikeer dan niet Zelfs als je staat te kletsen met een leuke griet Neem je tijd en doe gewoon je eigen ding Al dacht je toch heel even dat het weer niet ging Wee wee wee wee weet je al dat stotteren echt mag Van 's morgens vroeg tot 's avonds laat het mag de hele dag Nee nee nee je hoeft niet bang te zijn |
July 8, 2006