Announcements for ISAD 2003

Belgian ISAD

From: Mario D'hont
Date: 10/21/03
Time: 8:10:45 AM
Remote Name:


This is the Belgian (Flemish) participation on the ISAD 2003-day.   Belgium : On ISAD, October 23th the vzw BbeSt -in cooperation with the bvba A.A.S.- is organizing an information day in the University Hospital in Ghent about Delayed Auditory Feedback and selfhelpgroups.  On that day a new DAF machine is going to be demonstrated which has been developed by Steve De Coene, a Flemish engineer, within his own company Laytec.  The program about that day is in Dutch downloadable on  Topics are : -DAF - what is it ? backgrounds by Prof. J. Van Borsel (University of Ghent), - Demonstration of the DAF by Gert Reunes and Erik Voets - DAF : A follow up research - DAF : presentation of the STEGE 1 (new DAF machine) In the afternoon : - Stuttering at the Media - Stuttering and studying - Selfhelp in action - Selfhelp and therapy - Discussion about self help and professional therapy   There is also a downloadable pdf file about the new DAF machine.  More information can be received at

Last changed: September 14, 2005