Bibliography of Charles Van Riper's Work
A favorite family picture taken by Andrew Amor. Just entering Charles Van Riper's study and saying hello, he turns to see who it is. His cluttered desk, his two book shelves filled with his career works and a few paintings hanging mistily on the wall create a Norman Rockwell-like image of the publication record that is reflected in this bibliography of his work.
The following bibliography was sent by Dr. John Hanley, Western Michigan University Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology
The 1920's
Van Riper, C., "Five of the Dryads Were Foolish," The Inlander , April, 1926. First prize poem in contest judged by Robert Frost.
Van Riper, C., "Old Man Pone," The Inlander , June, 1926.
The 1930's
Van Riper, C., "A New Test of Laterality," Journal of Experimental Psychology , Volume 17, 1934, 305-313.
Van Riper, C., "The Influence of Empathetic Response on the Frequency of Stuttering," Psychological Monographs , Volume 49, 1935, 244-245.
Van Riper, C., "The Quantitative Measurement of Laterality," Journal of Experimental Psychology , Volume 8, 1935, 372-382.
Van Riper, C., "An Experimental Study of the Japanese Illusion," American Journal of Psychology , Volume 47, 1935, 252-263.
Bryngelson, B. and Van Riper, C., "Speed and Accuracy of Clockwise and Counter-Clockwise Movements," Journal of Psychology , Volume 1, 1936, 247-251.
Van Riper, C., "The Symptomatic Treatment of Stuttering," Proceedings of the American Speech Correction Association , Volume 6, 1936, 110-120.
Van Riper, C., "A Study of the Thoracic Breathing of Stutterers During Expectancy and Occurrence of the Stuttering Spasm," Journal of Speech Disorders , Volume 1, 1936, 61-72.
Van Riper, C., "A Study of the Stutterer's Ability to Interrupt Stuttering," Journal of Speech Disorders , Volume 1, 1936, 61-72.
Van Riper, C., "The Effect of Penalty Upon Frequency of Stuttering Spasms," Journal of Genetic Psychology , Volume 50, 1937, 193-195.
Van Riper, C., "The Growth of the Stuttering Spasms," Quarterly Journal of Speech , Volume 23, 1937, 70-73.
Van Riper, C., "The Effect of Devices for Minimizing Stuttering on the Creation of Symptoms," Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology , Volume 32, 1937, 185-192.
Van Riper, C., "The Preparatory Set in Stuttering," Journal of Speech Disorders , Volume 2, 1937, 149-154.
Van Riper, C., "Persistence of Baby Talk Among Children and Adults," Elementary School Journal , Volume 37, 1938, 672-675.
Van Riper, C., "Methods of Tearing Down the Adult Stutterer's Spasm Pattern," Proceedings of the American Speech Correction Association , Volume 8, 1938, 63-65.
Van Riper, C., "Mental Hygiene and Speech," Bulletin of Western State Teachers College , February, 1938, 1-5.
Van Riper, C., "The Educational Approach to Speech Correction," Bulletin of Western State Teachers College , Volume 33, 1938, 12-17.
Van Riper, C., "How to Help the Speech Defective," Bulletin of Western State Teachers College , Volume 34, 1938, 1-26.
Milisen, R. I. and Van Riper, C., "A Study of the Predicted Duration of the Stutterer's Blocks as Related to Their Actual Duration," Journal of Speech Disorders , Volume 4, 1939, 339-345.
Van Riper, C., "Ear Training in the Treatment of Articulation Disorders," Journal of Speech Disorders , Volume 4, 1939, 141-142.
Van Riper, C., "Do You Stutter?" Atlantic Monthly , Volume 164, 1939, 601-609.
Van Riper, C., Speech Correction: Principles and Methods , New York: Prentice-Hall, 1939.
The 1940's
Van Riper, C., "Speech Disorders," in Pennington, I.A. and Berg, I.A. (eds) An Introduction to Clinical Psychology , New York, Ronald Press, 1942.
Iemert, D. and Van Riper, C., "The Use of Psychodrama in the Treatment of Speech Defects," Sociometry , Volume 7, 1944, 190-195.
Van Riper, C., "They Too Need Speech," Journal of Exceptional Children , Volume 12, 1946, 134-136.
Van Riper, C., Speech Correction: Principles and Methods , (Second Edition) Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice Hall, 1947.
Van Riper, C., (under the editorship of Wendell Johnson) Stuttering, Chicago, National Society for Crippled Children and Adults, 1949. (PDF)
Van Riper, C., "To the Stutterer as He Begins His Speech Therapy," Journal of Speech Disorders , Volume 14, 1949, 303-306.
The 1950's
Van Riper, C., Teaching Your Child to Talk , New York, Harper and Brothers, 1950.
Van Riper, C., "Delayed Speech," Chapter 5 in Johnson, W. (ed.) Speech Problems of Children , New York, Grune and Stratton, 1950.
Van Riper, C., "Therapy for Stutterers," Indiana Speech and Hearing Therapist , Volume 10, 1951, 5-12.
Van Riper, C., Helping Children Talk Better , Chicago, Science Research Associates, 1951. (Also Translated into Arabic by Franklin Publishing Company.)
Van Riper, C., "Report of Stuttering on a Musical Instrument," Journal of Speech Disorders , Volume 17, 1952, 433-434.
Van Riper, C., "Speech Pathology," in Harriman, P.L. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Psychology , New York, Philosophical Library, 1952.
Van Riper, C., Speech Therapy: A Book of Readings , New York, Prentice-Hall, 1953.
- Chapter 2 from Speech Therapy: A Book of Readings, edited by Charles Van Riper, published in 1953 (pages 43-111 of the original book featuring articles of various length by Robert West, Wendell Johnson, Lee Edward Travis, Smiley Blanton, Isador Coriat, George Wischner, Joseph Sheehan, Stanley Ainsworth, Hildreth Schuell, Charles Bluemel, Bryng Bryngelson, Emil Froeschels, Philip Glasner, and many other early pioneers. (in PDF format).
Van Riper, C., You Can Talk Better , Chicago, Science Research Associates, 1953.
Van Riper, C., A Casebook in Speech Therapy , New York, Prentice-Hall, 1953.
Van Riper, C., "A Philosophy for Therapists," Central States Speech Journal , Volume 5, 1953, 26-29.
Van Riper, C., "The Treatment of Stuttering," Speech , (London) Volume 17, 1953, 17-20.
Van Riper, C., "How Stuttering Perpetuates Itself," Logopeden , (Norway) Volume 9, 1953, 4-5.
Van Riper, C., Speech Correction: Principles and Methods , 3rd Ed., New York, Prentice-Hall, 1954.
Smith, D. E. and Van Riper, C., An Introduction to General American Phonetics , New York, Harper and Row, 1954.
Hull, C. J. and Van Riper, C., "The Quantitative Measurement of the Effect of Certain Situations on Stuttering," in Johnson, W. and Leutennager, R.I. (eds.), Stuttering in Children and Adults , Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 1955.
Butler, K. and Van Riper, C., Speech in the Elementary Classroom , New York, Harper and Brothers, 1955.
Van Riper, C., "The Conquest of Stuttering," Journal of the South African Society of Logopedics , Volume 3, 1955, 18-20.
Van Riper, C., "The Role of Reassurance in Stuttering Therapy," Folia Phoniatrica , Volume 3, 1955, 216-228.
Gruber, I. and Van Riper, C., A Casebook in Stuttering , New York, Harper and Brothers, 1957.
Van Riper, C., "Symptomatic Therapy for Stuttering," in Travis, I.E., (ed.) Handbook of Speech Pathology , 1957.
Van Riper, C., "The Speech Therapist Speaks to the Communication Staff," Speech Teacher , Volume 7, 1958, 324-331.
Irwin, J., and Van Riper, C., Voice and Articulation , New York, Prentice-Hall, 1958. (Translated into German.)
Van Riper, C., "Speech Therapy in America: Stammering and Aphasia," in Pettinger, D. (ed.) Conquering Physical Handicaps: Proceedings of the Pan-Pacific Rehabilitation Conference , Sydney, Australia, 1958.
Van Riper, C., "Speech Disorders," in Pennington, I.A. and Berg, I. (eds.), An Introduction to Clinical Psychology , New York, Ronald Press, 1958.
Van Riper, C., "Experiments in Stuttering Therapy," in Eisenson, J. (ed.) Stuttering: A Symposium , 1958.
Van Riper, C., "The Self Perception of Dyslalic Errors," Current Problems in Phoniatrics and Logopedics , Volume 1, 1959, 174-178.
Van Riper, C., "Binaural Speech Therapy," Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders , Volume 24, 1959, 62-63.
Van Riper, C., "The Speech Therapist Looks at His Colleagues in the Speech Department," The Speaker , Volume 41, 1959, 14-18.
Van Riper, C., "Van Riper Answers Questions," The Voice , Volume 7, 1959, 3-5
Van Riper, C., Book Review of Pronovost, W. and Kingman, I., The Teaching of Speech and Listening in the Elementary Schoo l, in the Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders , Volume 25, 1960, 164-165.
Van Riper, C., Book Review of Luria, A.R. and Yedovich, F., Speech and the Development of Mental Processes in the Child , London, Staples, 1959, in the Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders , Volume 25, 1960, 211-212.
Van Riper, C., and others, "Stuttering and Its Treatment," Speech Foundation of America , Memphis, 1960.
Van Riper, C., Your Child's Speech Problems , New York, Harper and Brothers, 1961.
Van Riper, C., and others, Stuttering: Its Prevention , Memphis, Speech Foundation of America, 1962.
Smith, D. E. and Van Riper, C., Introduction to General American Phonetics , Second Edition, 1962.
Van Riper, C., "How Stuttering Perpetuates Itself," Logopeden , (Norway), Volume 9, 1963, 4-5.
Van Riper, C., Speech Correction: Principles and Methods , Fourth edition, New York, Prentice-Hall, 1963. (Translated into Braille and Japanese.)
Van Riper, C., "The Competence of the Public School Therapist," Connecticut Speech and Hearing Journal , Volume 8, 1963, 8-12.
Van Riper, C., "The Speech Pathologist Looks at Reading," The Reading Teacher , Volume 17, 1964, 505-510.
Van Riper, C., "The Therapeutic Process," The Voice , Volume 13, 1964, 16-18.
Van Riper, C., and others, Treatment of the Young Stutterer in the Schools , Memphis, Speech Foundation of America, 1964.
Van Riper, C., "A Preliminary Report on the WMU Predictive Screening Test for Articulatory Maturation," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 1, 1964, 1-3.
Van Riper, C., "The Competence of the Public School Speech Therapist," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 1, 1964, II, 1-3.
Van Riper, C., "Crucial Experiences in Stuttering Therapy," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 1, 1964, III, 1-2.
Van Riper, C., "Supervision of Clinical Practice," Asha , Volume 7, 1965, 75-77.
Van Riper, C., "Clinical Use of Intermittent Masking Noise in Stuttering," Asha , Volume 6, 1965, 381.
Van Riper, C., "What Next?" Journal of the College of Speech Therapists , Volume 25, 1965, 53-54.
Van Riper, C., "The Reorganization of Public School Speech Therapy," Illinois Speech and Hearing Association Newsletter , Volume 6, 1965, 1-2.
Van Riper, C., "Guilty," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 2, 1965, 1-2.
Van Riper, C., "Terminal Therapy for Stutterers," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 2, 1965, II, 1-3.
Van Riper, C., "Examination for Certification," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 2, 1965, III, 1-2.
Van Riper, C., "Therapy Plan: Dysphonia in a Nine-Year-Old Child," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 2, 1965, III, 1-2.
Van Riper, C., Editor of the Prentice-Hall Series in Speech Pathology , 1966. Fourteen Volumes.
Van Riper, C., "Again to Cope," Michigan Speech Association Journal, Volume 1, 1966, 2-8.
Van Riper, C., "Hello Allah! The Bird's Tale," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 3, 1966, I, 1-4.
Dopheide, W. and Van Riper, C., "Diagnostic Services in the Training Center," Asha , Volume 8, 1966, 37-39.
Van Riper, C., "Successes and Failures in Speech Therapy," Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders , Volume 31, 1966, 32-35.
Brown, C. and Van Riper, C., Speech and Man , Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall, 1966.
Van Riper, C., "Diagnostic Therapy," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 3, II, 1-3, 1966.
Van Riper, C., "Cybernetic Therapy," WMU Journal of Speech , Volume 3, 1966, III, 1-2.
Van Riper, C., and others, Stuttering: Training the Therapist , Memphis, Speech Foundation of America, 1966.
Van Riper, C., "An Exciting Time Indeed," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 3, 1966, IV, 1-2.
Van Riper, C., "Transcript of a Recorded Interview with a Stutterer's Parents," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 4, 1967, I, 1-4.
Van Riper, C., The Difficult R Vowel," Illinois Speech and Hearing Newsletter , Volume 7, 1967, 33-35.
Erickson, R. and Van Riper, C., "Demonstration Therapy in a University Training Center," Asha , Volume 9, 1967, 33-35.
Van Riper, C., "Reassurance," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 4, 1967, II, 1-2.
Van Riper, C., "Operant Conditioning in Speech Therapy," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 4, 1967, III, 1-2.
Van Riper, C., "Excerpts From Letters From Parents," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 4, 1967, IV, 1-2.
Van Riper, C., Book Review of Reiber, R.W. and Brubaker, R.S. (eds.) Speech Pathology , in Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders , Volume 33, 1968, 181-182.
Van Riper, C., "Some Thoughts on Eliminating Articulatory Errors," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 5, 1968, I, 1-2.
Van Riper, C., "How to Get a Small Child to Talk," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 5, 1968, II, 1-3.
Van Riper, C., "Successes and Failures in Speech Therapy," Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders , Volume 31, 1968, 276-279.
Van Riper, C., "Please Don't Say 'Oh, Never Mind," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 15, 1968, 1-2.
Van Riper, C., "Operant Conditioning in Speech Therapy," New Zealand Speech Therapists Journal , Volume 13, 1968, 30-35.
Van Riper, C., "A Therapist Works With the Deaf 250 Years Ago," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 5, 1968, IV, 1-3.
Van Riper, C., "Prognostic Factors in Stuttering," Journal of The South African Logopedic Society , Volume 19, 1968, 37-41.
Van Riper, C., "Case History Problems," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 5, 1968, V, 2-5.
Van Riper, C., and others, Stuttering: Successes and Failures in Therapy , Memphis, Speech Foundation of America, 1968.
Van Riper, C., "On Stuttering," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 5, 1968, V, 2-5.
Van Riper, C., Book Review of Sloane, H. N. and MacAulay, B. D. (eds.), Operant Procedures in Remedial Speech and Language Training in Journal of Communication Disorders , Volume 2, 1968, 284-285.
Erickson, R. and Van Riper, C., "A Predictive Screening Test of Articulation," in Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders , Volume 34, 1969, 214-219.
Van Riper, C., "A Comprehensive Examination in Speech Pathology," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 6, 1969, I, 1-6.
Van Riper, C., "Helping Children Outgrow Their Articulation Errors," WMU Journal of Speech Therap y, Volume 6, 1969, II, 1-2.
Van Riper, C., "All the King's Horses," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 6, 1969, III, 1-2.
Van Riper, C., "Clinical Notes: Some Glimpses of Articulation Therapy," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 6, 1969, IV, 1-2.
Van Riper, C., Book Review of Gregory, H. H., Learning Theory and Stuttering , in Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders , Volume 34, 1969, 373-374.
Van Riper, C., Book Review of Muirden, R., Stammering: Its Correlation Through the Re-education of the Speech Function, in Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders , Volume 34, 1969, 93-94.
Van Riper, C., "A One Week Stuttering Therapy Program," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 7, 1970, 1-2.
Van Riper, C., "Stuttering and Cluttering," Folia Phoniatrica , Volume 22, 1970, 347-353.
Van Riper, C., "To Pregnant Female Therapists," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 7, 1970, II, 1-2.
Van Riper, C., and others, Conditioning in Stuttering Therapy , Memphis, Speech Foundation of America, 1970.
Van Riper, C., "A Brief History of Our Profession: Excerpts from a tape Prepared for My Students When I Go Deer Huntin,": WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 7, 1970, III, 1-2.
Van Riper, C., "Bibliography on Stuttering," in Sheehan, J.G., Stuttering Research and Therapy , New York, Harper and Row, 1970.
Van Riper, C., "A Stuttering Cat," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 7, 1970, IV, 1-2.
Van Riper, C., Book Review of Paden, E.P., A History of the American Speech and Hearing Association , in Asha , Volume 14, 1972, 98.
Van Riper, C., "A Brief History of the WMU Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 7, 1970, V, 1-2.
Van Riper, C., "The Rhythm Method," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 8, 1971, I, 1-2.
Van Riper, C., The Nature of Stuttering , Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall, 1971.
Van Riper, C., Book Review of Gregory, H. H., An Assessment of the Results of Stuttering Therapy , in Journal of Communication Disorders , Volume 4, 1971, 159-160.
Van Riper, C., "Van Riper, C., "Goal Setting in Stuttering Therapy," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 8, 1971, I, 1-2.
Van Riper, C., "The Clinician's Language," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 8, 1971, II, 1-2.
Van Riper, C., "Goal Setting in Stuttering Therapy," WMU Journal of Speech Therap y, Volume 8, 1971, I, 1-2.
Van Riper, C., "The Rhythm Method," California Journal of Communication Disorders , Volume 2, 1971, 2-6.
Van Riper, C., "Characterizations of the Clinician by His Client," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 8, 1971, III, 1-2.
Van Riper, C., "The Clinician's Use of Reinforcement," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 8, 1971, IV, 1-2.
Van Riper, C., "Analyzing the Clinician-Client Interaction," WMU Journal of Speech Disorders , Volume 8, 1971, IV, 4-5.
Van Riper, C., "The Symptomatic Therapy for Stuttering," in Travis, I.E. (ed.) Handbook of Speech Pathology and Audiology , New York, Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1971.
Van Riper, C., "Continuing to Grow," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 9, 1971, I, 1-2.
Van Riper, C., "The Lost Career," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 9, 1971, II, 1-3.
Van Riper, C., "Harry: an Aphasic,: WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 9, 1971, III, 1-2.
Van Riper, C., "An Encounter With an Angry Classroom Teacher," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 9, 1971, III, 1-3.
Van Riper, C., "Interview With a Private Practitioner," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 9, 1971, IV, 1-2.
Van Riper, C., Speech Correction: Principles and Methods , Fifth Edition, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall, 1972.
Van Riper, C., "Stuttering Therapy in 2050 A.D.," in Emerick, L.L., and Hamre, C.I. (ed.) An Analysis of Stuttering , Danville, Ill., Interstate Publishers, 1972.
Van Riper, C., and others, To the Adult Stutterer , Memphis, Speech Foundation of America, 1972.
Van Riper, C., "Allah il Akhbar," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 10, 1972, V, 1-4.
Van Riper, C., The Treatment of Stuttering . Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall, 1973. (Translated into German, Japanese and Finnish.)
Brown, C.T. and Van Riper, C., Communication in Human Relationships , Skokie, Ill., National Textbook Company, 1973.
Erickson, R. and Van Riper, C., "The PSTA: Recent Observations," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 11, 1973, II, 1-3.
Van Riper, C., "Swimming Pool and Beer Bottle Therapy for Stutterers," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 11, 1973, II, 1-3.
Van Riper, C., "Gleanings," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 10, 1973, 1-2.
Van Riper, C., "Success and Failure in Speech Therapy," in Emerick, I., and Hood, S.B. (eds.) The Client-Clinician Relationship , Danville, Ill., Interstate Publishers, 1973.
Van Riper, C., "Stuttering: Where and Whither," Asha , Volume 16, 1974, 483-487.
Van Riper, C., "The Modification of Stuttering," in Starkweather (ed.) The Treatment of the Adult Stutterer , Memphis, Speech Foundation of America, 1974.
Van Riper, C., "Our Melting Pot," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 11, 1974, I, 1-2.
Van Riper, C., A Handful of Nuts," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy, Volume 11, 1974, II, 1-3.
Van Riper, C., "The Ablauf Problem in Stuttering," Journal of Fluency Disorders , Volume 1, 1974, 2-10.
Van Riper, C., "The Iowa Years," in Paden, E.P., A History of the American Speech and Hearing Association , Washington D.C., American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 1974.
Van Riper, C., "Counseling Parents of Stutterers," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 11, 1974, III, 1-2.
Van Riper, C., "The Stutterer as His Own Therapist," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 11, 1974, III, 7-8.
Van Riper, C., "Speech Therapy Ninety Years Ago," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 11, 1974, IV, 1-2.
Van Riper, C., "Treatment of Cluttering," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 11, 1974, IV, 6-7.
Van Riper, C., "The Stutterer's Clinician," in Eisenson, J. (ed.) A Second Symposium on Stuttering , New York, Harper and Row, 1975.
Van Riper, C., "Lateral Lisp Due to a Death Threat," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 12, 1975, I, 1-2.
Van Riper, C., "The Clinician's Imagination," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 12, 1975, II, 1-2.
Van Riper, C., "Excerpts From Parental Interviews," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 12, 1975, III, 1-2.
Van Riper, C., "The Differential Diagnosis of Spastic From Hysterical Dysphonia," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 12, 1975, IV, 1-2.
Van Riper, C., "The Smile," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 13, 1975, II, 7-9.
Van Riper, C., "The Travis Years at Iowa," in Tweedie D. F. and Clement, P. W., Psychologist Pro Tem , Los Angeles, University of Southern California Press, 1976.
Van Riper, C., "Wild Children of the Swamp," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 13, 1976, I, 1-2.
Van Riper, C., "The Stepmother," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 13, 1976, I, 3-4.
Van Riper, C., "Eve's Illusion," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 13, 1976, II, 1-2.
Van Riper, C., "She Heard With Her Eyes," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 13, 1976, III, 5-6.
Van Riper, C., "The Sniff," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , 1976, Volume 13, III, 1-2.
Van Riper, C., "Motivation," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 13, 1976, 8-10.
Van Riper, C., "The Woman with Half a Tongue," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 13, 1976, II, 3-4.
Van Riper, C., "Clients of the Cloth," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 13, 1976, II, 8-10.
Van Riper, C., "Some Memories of ASHA Convention," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 13, 1976, III, 3-5.
Van Riper, C., "The Public School Specialist in Stuttering Asha , Volume 19, 1977, 467-469.
Van Riper, C., and others, If Your Child Stutters , Memphis, Speech Foundation of America, 1977.
Van Riper, C., Speech Correction: Principles and Methods , (Sixth Edition) Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall, 1978. (Translated into Korean.)
Van Riper, C., "Reflections," WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 15, 1978, 1-2.
Smith, D.E. and Van Riper, C., An Introduction to General American Phonetics , (Third Edition) New York, Harper and Row, 1978.
Van Riper, C. (Under the pen name of "Cully Gage") The Northwoods Reader , Au Train, MI, Avery, 1978.
Van Riper, C., Our House, Au Train, MI, Avery, 1978.
Van Riper, C., "To Banff - With Love," WMU Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing , Volume 15, 1979, 1-2.
Van Riper, C., A Career in Speech Pathology , Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall, 1979. (Translated into German.)
Van Riper, C., "Burn Out," WMU Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing , Volume 16, 1979, 1-2.
The 1980's
Van Riper, C., "Who Knows?" WMU Journal of Speech Therapy , Volume 16, 1980, 1-2.
Van Riper, C., "Take Off the Mantle," WMU Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing , Volume 16, 1980, 1-2.
Van Riper, C., "An Early History of A.S.H.A." ASHA , Volume 23, 1981, 855-858.
Van Riper, C., "Stuttering Therapy: State of the Art," Journal of the India Speech and Hearing Association , Volume 13, 1981, 15-16.
Van Riper, C., (Under the pen name of "Cully Gage") Tales of the Old U.P ., Au Train, MI, Avery, 1981.
Van Riper, C., "Our Profession," WMU Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing , Volume 17, 1981, 1-2.
Van Riper, C., "How To Train a Trainee," WMU Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing , Volume 18, 1981, 1-2.
Van Riper, C., "The Severe Young Stutterer," in Gruss, J. (ed.) Counseling Stutterer , Memphis, Speech Foundation of America, 1982.
Van Riper, C., "Savor the Moment," WMU Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing , Volume 19, 1982, 1-2.
Van Riper, C., My Father, Dr. Van , Marquette, MI, Marquette Historical Society, 1982.
Van Riper, C., (Under the pen name of "Cully Gage") Heads and Tales , Au Train, MI., Avery, 1982.
Van Riper, C., The Nature of Stuttering , Second Edition, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall, 1982.
Emerick, L., and Van Riper, C., Speech Correction: An Introduction to Speech Pathology , (Seventh Edition) Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall, 1983.
Van Riper, C., "Henry Freund, 1896-1983," Journal of Fluency Disorders , Volume 9, 1984, 93-102.
Van Riper, C., "In Memorium," WMU Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing , Volume 21, 1984, 1-2.
Van Riper, C., (Under the pen name of "Cully Gage":) The Last Northwoods Reader , Au Train, MI, Avery, 1984.
Van Riper, C., "To Our Clinicians," Human Communications , (Canada) Volume 8, 1984, 500-501.
Van Riper, C., "On Cleaning the Attic," Canadian Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing , Volume 22, 1985, 1-2.
Van Riper, C., "Old Bluenose," Above the Bridge , Volume 2, 1986, 13-15.
Van Riper, C., (Under the pen name of "Cully Gage") What? Another Northwoods Reader ? Au Train, MI., Avery, 1987.
Van Riper, C., "How are you doing, Dr. Van?" WMU Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing , Volume 24, 1987, 1-2.
Van Riper, C., "A Personal Message," in Do You Stutter: A Guide for Teens , Memphis, Speech Foundation of America, 1987.
Van Riper, C., (Under the pen name of "Cully Gage") A Love Affair with the U.P ., Au Train, MI., 1988.
Van Riper, C., "Halloween," Above the Bridge , Volume 4, 1988, 18-20.
Van Riper, C., "Recollections From a Pioneer," ASHA , Volume 31, 1989, 72-73.
The 1990's
Emerick, L. and Van Riper, C., Speech Correction: Principles and Methods , (Eighth Edition) Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1990.
Van Riper, C., (Under the pen name of "Cully Gage") And Still Another , Au Train, MI., Avery, 1991.
Van Riper, C., "Easter," Above the Bridge . Volume 7, 1991, 19-21.
Van Riper, C., "A Personal Message," Letting Go , Volume 11, 1991, 1-2.
Van Riper, C., "Final Thoughts on Stuttering," Journal of Fluency Disorders , Volume 15, 1991.
Van Riper, C., "On Becoming a Better Clinician," WMU Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing , Volume 25, 1991, 1.
Van Riper, C., (Under the pen name of "Cully Gage") Old Bones and Northern Memories , Au Train, MI, Avery, 1991.
Van Riper, C., "Log Cabin News , Volume 3, 1991, 2.
Van Riper, C., "Ein Brief an John Ahlbach," Der Kieselstein , Volume 13, 1991, 15-17.
Van Riper, C., "An meine Stotterfreunde in Deutchland," Der Kieselstein , Volume 15, 1991, 23-24.
Van Riper, C., "Forward," in Myers, F. and St. Louis, K., Cluttering , 1991.
Van Riper, C., "To the Parents of a Stuttering Child," Staff , Volume 1, 1991, 1.
Van Riper, C., (Under the pen name of "Cully Gage") "To a Visiting Troll from Down Below" Above the Bridge , Summer, 1992.
Van Riper, C., (Under the pen name of "Cully Gage") "The Snowplowers," Peninsula People , Volume 2, 1992.
Van Riper, C., "Some Ancient History," Journal of Fluency Disorders , Volume 17, No. 1, 1992.
Van Riper, C., "Stuttering?" Journal of Fluency Disorders , Volume 17, No. 2, 1992.
Van Riper, C., "A Sign of Spring" Marquette Magazine , Winter, 1993.
Van Riper, C., "Audiology in 1936," ASHA , 36, 1994.
Van Riper, C., (Under the pen name of "Cully Gage") Tioga Tales , Au Train, MI., Avery, 1994.
Van Riper, C., "Death Poems," Hospice magazine, Kalamazoo, MI, 1994.
Erickson, R. and Van Riper, C., Speech Correction: Principles and Methods , Ninth Edition, 1996.
Darley, F. and Van Riper, C., Introduction to Speech Problems , Ciba Pharmaceutical Company, 1959.
Van Riper, C., Stuttering , Audio-Visual Department, University of Wisconsin, (Great Clinicians Series), 1958
Van Riper, C., The Case of Jeff , Memphis, Speech Foundation of America, 1976.
Teaching Tapes
Van Riper, C., Development of Stuttering .
Adult Stuttering .
Speech with Half a Tongue .
Cleft Palate .
Cerebral Palsy .
Aphasia .
Lisping .
Lalling .
Severe Dyslalia in the Adult .
Delayed Speech and Language.
Laryngectomy .
Spastic Dysphonia .
Hypernasality .
Denasality .
Harshness .
Vocal Nodules .
Pitch Breaks .
The Falsetto .
Hysterical Dysphonia .
Speech of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing .
Cluttering .
Unpublished Manuscripts
Van Riper, C., The Hook of the Parmachene Belle , (A Murder Mystery), 1945.
Van Riper, C., Varmints of the House and Garden , 1976.
Van Riper, C., History of the Van Riper Family , 1977.
Van Riper, C., Biography of Catharine Hull Van Riper , 1984.
Van Riper, C., Journals (1976 - 1984).
Van Riper, C., Autobiography , 1986.
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