I Get Stuck

By Eric J. Christensen

I try to speak to you, but I get stuck.
I try to say the words I want to say,
but I get stuck.
I look into your eyes, and we are one.
The trials of our lives are played out,
in the theatres of our minds.
We both see, and we understand.
We laugh at the same jokes,
and cry and the same heartbreaks.
They are ours,
not just one or the others.
You smile, and it speaks volumes to my heart and my soul.
It tells me that you understand my pain,
as it is our pain.
We feel it the same.
We have different lives with the same scars.
It is amazing that we see each other so clearly.
We are different, but cut from the same cloth.

At last, my words come out.
The message of words is finally passed along.
You understand the words,
and begin to formulate your response.
We remain in each other's eyes, and you start to speak.
You get stuck.