Stutter Buddies

Stutter Buddies, is a newsletter for children ages 6-12. It will come four times each year, and will give children who stutter another good place to share their ideas, read about other young people their age who stutter, and learn that they are not alone. It was created by National Stuttering Project (NSP) members Bonnie Weiss and Gary Rentschler, Ph.D. If you want to get send in something to Stutter Buddies, contact Bonnie Weiss

Bonnie sent the following information about sending materials for Stutter Buddies:

  • We are collecting stories, poems, articles for Stutter Buddies and would love to hear from some "new kids"...stories, poems and drawings would be very welcome.


  • Please send any material for Stutter Buddies to me:
    Bonnie Weiss
    1484 Kensington Avenue
    Buffalo, NY 14215
  • Any young person who sends in an article will receive a free 6 month memership in the National Stuttering Project, which includes a subscription to LETTING GO (including Our Voice, the newsletter for teens) and STUTTER BUDDIES. (This offer is for a limited time, so contact Bonnie soon!! JAK)

submitted December 11, 1998