Bibliography on Neurogenic Stuttering

The following bibliography was developed by Prof. Dr. Henny-Annie Bijleveld, University of Brussels (ULB) and sent to me by Patrick Coppens, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Speech/Language/Hearing Sciences at Moorhead State University, Minnesota. New additions will have an * in front of them.

Bibliography on Neurogenic Stuttering

* Abe, K., Yokoyama, R., & Yorifuji, S. (1993). Repetitive speech disorder resulting form infarcts in the paramedian thalami and midbrain. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 56, 1024-1026.

Ackermann, H., Hertrich, I., Ziegler, W., Bitzer, M., & Bien, S. (1996). Acquired dysfluencies following infarction of left mesiofrontal cortex. Aphasiology, 10, 409-417.

* Alm, PA (2004), Stuttering and the basal ganglia circuits: a critical review of possible relations, Journal of Communication Disorders, Volume 37, Issue 4, Pages 325-369

Andy, O. J., & Bhatnagar, S. C. (1992). Stuttering acquired from subcortical pathologies and its alleviation from thalamic perturbation. Brain and Language, 42, 385-401.

*Andy, O.J., Bhatnagar, S.C. (1991) Thalamic induces stuttering (surgical observations). Journal of Speech and Hearing Research 34 : 796-800.

*Aram, D.M., Meyers, S.C., Ekelman, B.L, (1990) Fluency of conversational speech in children with unilateral brain lesions. Brain and Language 38 : 105-121.

*Ardila, A. (1984) Right hemisphere participation in Language.In Ardila, A And Ostrosky F., (Eds). Neurology and Neuropsychology : 99-107. New York.

*Arend R, Handzel L, Weiss B: Dysphatic stuttering. Folia Phoniatrica 1962; 14:55-66.

Ardila, A., & Lopez, M. V. (1986). Severe stuttering associated with right hemisphere lesion. Brain and Language, 27, 239-246.

*Attanasio JS: A case of late-onset or acquired stuttering in adult life. J Fluency Dicord 1987; 12:287-290.

* Balasubramanian, V; Max, L; Van Borsel, J; KO; and Richardson, D (2003), Acquired stuttering following right frontal and bilateral pontine lesion: A case study, Brain and Cognition, Volume 53, Issue 2, Pages 185-189

Baratz, R., & Mesulam, M. M. (1981). Adult-onset stuttering treated with anticonvulsants. Archives of Neurology, 38, 132.

*Baumgartner J, Duffy JR: Psychogenic stuttering in adults with and without neurologic disease. J Med Speech-Lang Path 1997; 5(2): 75-95.

*Bell-Berti, Fr., Chevrie-Muller Cl., (1991) Motor levels of Speech Timing : evidence from Studies of Ataxia. In Peters, H.M., Hulstijn, W., Starkweather, C.W. Speech Motor Control and Stuttering. Amsterdam, Elsevier Publishers : 293-310.

Bhatnagar, S. C., & Andy, O. J. (1989). Alleviation of acquired stuttering with human centremedian thalamic stimulation. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 52, 1182-1184.

Bijleveld, H., Lebrun, Y., & Van Donden, H. (1994). A case of acquired stuttering. Folia Phoniatrica, 46, 250-253.

*Blonder, L.X., Pickering, J.E., Heath, R.L., Smith, C.D., Butler, S.M. (1995) Prosodic characteristics of speech pre-and post-right hemisphere stroke. Brain and Language 51 : 318-335.

*Bottini, G., Corcoran, R., Sterzi, R., Paulesu, E., Schenone, P., et al. (1994) The role of the right hemisphere in the interpretation of figurative aspects of language. A positron emission tomography activation study. Brain 117 : 1241-1253.

*Byrne A, Byrne MK, Zibin TO: Transient neurogenic stuttering. Int J Eat Disord 1993; 14: 511-514.

Byrne, A., Byrne, M. K., & Zibin, T. O. (1993). Transient neurogenic stuttering. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 14, 511-514. Canter, G. J. (1971). Observations on neurogenic stuttering: A contribution to differential diagnosis. British Journal of Disorders of Communication, 6, 139-143.

* Canter, G. J. (1971). Observation on neurogenic stuttering: A contribution to differential diagnosis. British Journal of Disorders of Communication, 6, 139-143.

* Caplan, L (1972) An investigation of some aspects of stuttering-like speech in adult dysphasic subjects, Journal of the South African Speech and Hearing Association 19, pp. 52-66.

* Carluer, L., Marie, R., Defer, G., Coskun, O., & Rossa, Y. (2000). Acquired and persistent stuttering as the main symptom of striatal infarction. Movement Disorders, 15, 343-346.

*Chen W-H, Peng M-C: Acquired stuttering in a patient with encephalitis. Kaoshiung J Med Sci 1993; 9:183-185.

*Chevrie-Muller, Cl. (1995) A case study of a child with neurologically-based dysfluency : From semantic representation to word production. In A Festschrift for Kathrine Safford Harris, Modern Acoustics and Signal Processing : 387-398. Woodbury, New York. Am. Inst. of Physics Press.

* Ciabarra, A. M., Elkind, M. S., Robert, J. K., & Marshall, R. S. (2000). Subcortical infarction resulting in acquired stuttering. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 69, 546-549.

Cipolitti, L., Bisiacchi, P. S., Denes, F., & Gallo, A. (1988). Acquired stuttering: A motor programming disorder? European Neurology, 28, 321-325.

*Cooper, E.B. (1983) A brain-stem contusion and fluency : Vicki's story. Journal of Fluency Disorders 8 : 269-274.

*Curlee RF, Perkins WH: Conversational rate control therapy for stuttering. J Speech Hear Disord 1969; 34:245-250.

*Deal J: Sudden onset of stuttering: A case report. J Speech Hear Disord 1982; 47:301-304.

* De Deyn, PP (2001), Flemish Society of Neurology-Psychiatry - Neurology Section: Secretariat: Vereniging Vlaamse Zenuwartsen. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery, Volume 103, Issue 1, Pages 63-64

DeFusco, E. M., & Menken, M. (1979). Symptomatic cluttering in adults. Brain and Language, 8, 25-33.

*Dewar A, Dewar AD, Austin WTS, Brash HM: The long term use of an automatically triggered auditory feedback masking device in the treatment of stammering. Br J Discord Commun 1976; 14:219-229.

* De Nil, L; Jokel, R; and Rochon, E (2007) Stuttering associated with acquired neurological disorders: Review, assessment and intervention. In: E.G. Conture and R.F. Curlee, Editors, Stuttering and related disorders of fluency (3rd ed.), Thieme, New York, pp. 326-343.

* De Nil, L. F., Rochon, E., & Jokel, R. (in press). Adult-onset neurogenic stuttering. In M. R. McNeil (Ed.), Clinical management of sensorimotor speech disorders (2nd ed.). New York: Thieme.

* Doi, M., Nakayasu, H., Soda, T., Shimoda, K., Ito, A., & Nakashima, K. (2003). Brainstem infarction presenting with neurogenic stuttering. Internal Medicine, 42, 884-887.

*Donnan GA: Stuttering as a manifestation of stroke. Med J Aust 1979; 1:44-45.

*Downie AW, Low JM, Linsay DD: Speech disorders in parkinsonism: Use of delayed auditory feedback in selected cases. J Neuro Neurosurg Psych 1981; 44:852-853.

*Elliot RL, Thomas BJ: A case report of alprazolam-induced stuttering. J Clin Psychopharmacol 1985; 5:159-160.

Farmer, A. (1975). Stuttering repetitions in aphasic and nonaphasic brain damaged adults. Cortex, 11, 391-396.

Finch, A., Bannister, M., & Miller, D. (1996). Sudden onset of stuttering: A case study. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Seattle, WA.

*Fleet, W.S., Heilman, K.M. (1985) Acquired stuttering from a right hemisphere lesion in a right-hander. Neurology 35 : 1343-1346.

Friedman, E. H. (1990). Fluoxetine and stuttering [letter and reply]. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 51, 310-311.

*Geschwind N, Behan P: Left-handedness: Association with immune disease, migraine and developmental learning disorder. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1982; 79:5097-5100.

Goadsby, P. J. ( ). Alleviation of acquired stuttering with human centremedian thalamic stimulation [letter and reply]. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, , 94-95.

Grant, A. C., Biousse, V., Cook, A. A., & Newman, N. J. (1999). Stroke-associated stuttering. Archives of Neurology, 56, 624-627.

Guthrie, S., & Grunhaus, L. (1990). Fluoxetine-induced stuttering [letter]. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 51, 85.

*Helm NA: Management of palilalia with a pacing board. J Speech Hear Disord 1979; 44:350-353.

Helm-Estabrooks, N. (1986). Diagnosis and management of neurogenic stuttering in adults. In K. O. StLouis (Ed.), The atypical stutterer (pp. 193-217). Orlando: Academic Press.

Helm, N. A., & Butler, R. B. (1980). Neurogenic acquired stuttering. Journal of Fluency Disorders, 5, 269-279.

Helm, N. A., Butler, R. B., & Benson, D. F. (1978). Acquired stuttering. Neurology, 28,1159-1165.

Helm-Estabrooks, N., Yeo, R., Geschwind, N., Freedman, M., & Weinstein, C. (1986). Stuttering: Disappearance and reappearance with acquired brain lesions. Neurology, 36, 1109-1112.

*Helm-Estabrooks, N, (1999) Stuttering Associated with Acquired Neurological Disorders, p. 255-268 in Curlee, RF, Stuttering and Related Disorders of Fluency, 2nd ed. New York: Thieme.

* Helm-Estabrooks, N. A., & Hotz, G. (1998). Sudden onset of "stuttering" in an adult: Neurogenic or psychogenic? Seminars in Speech and Language, 19, 23-29.

Heuer, R. J., Sataloff, R., Mandel, S., & Travers, N. (1996). Neurogenic stuttering: Further corroboration of site of lesion. Ear, Nose and Throat Journal, 75, 161-168.

Horner, J., & Massey, E. W. (1983). Progressive dysfluency associated with right hemisphere disease. Brain and Language, 18, 71-85.

Ingham, R. J. (1987). Stuttering assessment and acquired brain lesions [letter and reply]. Neurology, 37, 1434-1435.

Ingham, R. J. ( ). Alleviation of acquired stuttering with human centremedian thalamic stimulation [letter and reply]. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 93-94.

* Jokel, R., De Nil, L. F., & Sharpe, A. K. (2007). Speech disfluencies in adults with neurogenic stuttering associated with stroke and traumatic brain injury. Journal of Medical Speech-Language Pathology, 15(3), 249(19).

* Jokel R and De Nil, L (2003) A comprehensive study of acquired stuttering in adults. In: K.L. Baker and D.T. Rowley, Editors, Proceedings of the sixth Oxford dysfluency conference, KLB Publications, Leicester, UK, pp. 59-64.

*Jones RK: Observations on stammering after localized cerebral injury. J Neurol Neurosurg Psych 1966; 29:192-195.

* Joseph, S and Reed, S (1997), Resolution of neurogenic stuttering: A neuroreflexive explanation, Journal of Fluency Disorders, Volume 22, Issue 2, Page 133

Koller, W. C. (1983). Dysfluency (stuttering) in extrapyramidal disease. Archives of Neurology, 40, 175-177.

*Kussmaul (1877) Monographie. In PICK A. (1899) Ueber das sogenannte aphatische Stottern als Symptom verschiedenoertlich localisirter cerebraler Herdaffectionen. Archiv. fuer Psychiatrie 32 (2: 447-469.

*Lapointe, L.L., Horner, J. (1981) Palilalia : A descriptive study of pathological reiterative utterances. Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders 46 : 34-38.

* Lebrun, Y (1991), Stuttering and epilepsy, Journal of Neurolinguistics, Volume 6, Issue 4, Pages 433-444

* Lebrun, Y (1997) Adult-onset stuttering. In: Y. Lebrun, Editor, From the brain to the mouth, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 105-138.

*Lebrun Y., Bijleveld H., Rousseau J.-J. (1990) A case of persistent neurogenic Stuttering following a missile wound. Journal of Fluency Disorders 15 :251-258.

*Lebrun, Y., von Borsel, J. (1990) Final sound repetitions. Journal of Fluency Disorders 15 : 107-113.

*Lebrun, Y. Devreau F, Pousseau J-J (1986), Language and speech in patient with a clinical diagnosis of progressive supranuclear palsy. Brain Lang; 27:247-256.

*Lebrun, Y., Leleux, Ch. (1985) Acquired stuttering following right brain damage in dextrals. Journal of Fluency Disorders 10 : 137-141.

Lebrun, Y., Leleux, C., & Retif, J. (1987). Neurogenic stuttering. Acta Neurochirurgica, 85, 103-109.

Lebrun, Y., Leleux, C., Rousseau, J-J, & Devreux, F. (1983). Acquired stuttering. Journal of Fluency Disorders, 8, 323-330.

*Lebrun, Y., Retif, J., Kaiser, G. (1983) Acquired stuttering as a forerunner of motor-neuron disease. Journal of Fluency Disorders 8 : 161-168.

Leder, S. B. (1996). Adult onset of stuttering as a presenting sign in Parkinsonian-like syndrome: A case report. Journal of Communication Disorders, 29, 471-478.

* Linazasoro, G and Van Blercom, N (2007), Severe stuttering and motor tics responsive to cocaine, Parkinsonism & Related Disorders, Volume 13, Issue 1, Pages 57-58

*Luchsinger, R., Arnold, G (1970) Handbuch der Stimm- und Sprachheulkunde. Wien, Springer-Verlag.

* Ludlow, CL and Braun, A (1993), Research evaluating the use of neuropharmacological agents for treating stuttering: Possibilities and problems, Journal of Fluency Disorders, Volume 18, Issues 2-3, June-September 1993, Pages 169-182

Ludlow, C., Rosenberg, J., Salazar, A., Grafman, J., & Smutok, M. (1987). Site of penetrating brain lesions causing chronic acquired stuttering. Annals of Neurology, 22, 60-66.

*Madison D, Baeher E, Bazell M, Hartman K, Mahurkar S, Dunea G: Communicative and cognitive deterioration in dialysis dementia: Two case studies. J Speech Hear Disord 1977; 42-238-246.

Market, K. E., Montague, J. C., Buffalo, M. D., & Drummond, S. S. (1990). Acquired stuttering. Descriptive data and treatment outcome. Journal of Fluency Disorders, 15, 21-33.

*Marshall, R.M., Neuburger, S.I.(1987) Effect of delayed auditory feedback on acquired stuttering following head injury. Journal of Fluency Disorders 12 : 355-365.

*Marshall RC, Starch SA: Behavioral treatment of acquired stuttering. Aust J Commun Disord 1984; 12:87-92.

Mazzucchi, A., Moretti, G., Carpeggiani, P., & Parma, M. (1981). Clinical observations of acquired stuttering. British Journal of Disorders of Communication, 16, 19-30.

McClean, M. D., & McLean, A. (1985). Case report of stuttering acquired in association with phenytoin use for post-head-injury seizures. Journal of Fluency Disorders, 10, 241-255.

Meghji, C. (1994). Acquired stuttering [letter]. The Journal of Family Practice, 39, 325-326.

*Meyers, S., Hall, N.E., Aram, D.M. (1990) Fluency and language recovery in a child with a left hemisphere lesion. Journal of Fluency Disorders 15 : 159-173.

*Miller AE: Cessation of stuttering with progressive multiple sclerosis. Neurology 1986; 35:1341-1343.

* Mouradian, MS; Paslawski, T; and Shuaib, A (2000) ,Return of Stuttering after Stroke, Brain and Language, Volume 73, Issue 1, Pages 120-123

* Movsessian, P (2005) Neuropharmacology of theophylline induced stuttering: The role of dopamine, adenosine and GABA, Medical Hypotheses 64, pp. 290-297.

* Mowrer DE and Younts, J 2001) Sudden onset of excessive repetitions in the speech of a patient with multiple sclerosis: A case report, Journal of Fluency Disorders 26, pp. 269-309.

* Nagafuchi, M., & Takahashi, T. (1989). Speech disorder due to damage in the left premotor area. Onseigengogaku, 30, 328-333.

* Nowack, W. J., & Stone, R. E. (1987). Acquired stuttering and bilateral cerebral disease. Journal of Fluency Disorders, 12, 141-146.

Nurnberg, H. G., & Greenwald, B. (1981). Stuttering: An unusual side effect of Phenothiazines. American Journal of Psychiatry, 138, 386-387.

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* Perino, M; Famularo, G; and Tarroni, P (2000) Acquired transient stuttering during a migraine attack, Headache 40, pp. 170-172.

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*Rao, P.R. (1991) Neurogenic stuttering as a manifestation of stroke and a mask of dysphonia. Clinics in Communication Disorders 1 (1) : 31-37.

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Romero, C. S. (1998, November). Neurogenic stuttering and cutaneous vibratory input: A case study. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, San Antonio, TX.

* Rosenbek, J. (1980) Apraxia of speech - Relationship to stuttering, Journal of Fluency Disorders 5, pp. 233-253.

*Rosenbek, J.(1984) Stuttering secondary to Nervous System Damage. in Curlee, R.F. Perkins, W.H. (Eds.) Nature and treatment of stuttering : new directions. San Diego :College-Hill, 31-48.

*Rosenbek J, McNeil MR, Lemme ML, Prescott TE, Alfrey AC: Speech and language findings in a chronic hemodialysis patient: A case report. J Speech Hear Disord 1978; 40:245-252.

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* Rosenfield, D.B. (1972) Stuttering and cerebral ischemia. New England Journal of Medicine 287, 2 : 991

Rosenfield, D. B., McCarthy, M., McKinney, K., & Viswanath, N. S. (1994). Stuttering induced by Theophylline. Ear, Nose and Throat Journal, 73, 914-920.

* Rosenfield, D.B., Miller, S.D., Feltovich, M. (1980) Brain damage causing stuttering. Transactions of the American Neurological Association 105 : 1-3.

*Rosenfield, D.G., Pendleton Jones, B., Liljestrand, J S. (1981) Effects of right hemisphere damage in an adult stutterer. Journal of Fluency Disorders 6 : 175-179.

*Roulet Perez, E., Gubser-Mercati, D., Davidoff, V.(1996) Transient acquired stuttering in a child. Neurocase 2 : 347-352.

*Rousey, C.G., Arjunan, L.N., Rousey, C L. (1986) Successful treatment of stuttering following closed head injury. Journal of Fluency Disorders 11 : 257-261.

*Rubow RT, Rosenbek JC, Schumaker JG: Stress management in the treatment of neurogenic stuttering. Biofeedback Self Regul 1986; 11:77-78.

* Sahin, H.A., Krespi, Y., Yilmaz A., and Coban, O. (2005), Stuttering due to ischemic stroke, Behavioural Neurology 16, pp. 37-39.

*Sapir, S., Aronson, A. (1990) The relationship between psychopathology and speech and language disorders in neurologic patients. Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders 55 : 503-509.

*Schaltenbrand, G. (1965) The effects of stereotactic electrical stimulation in the depth of the brain. Brain 88 : 835-840.

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* Shtremel, A.K., (1963) Stuttering in left parietal lobe syndrome, Zhurnal Nevropatologii i Psikhiatrii Imeni S. S. Korsakova 63, pp. 828-832.

Soroker, N., Bar-Israel, Y., Schechter, I., & Solzi, P. (1990). Stuttering as a manifestation of right-hemispheric subcortical stroke. European Neurology, 30, 268-270.

Stewart, T., & Rowley, D. (1996). Acquired stammering in Great Britain. European Journal of Disorders of Communication, 31, 1-9.

* Theys, C; Van Wieringen, A; and DeNil, L (2008), A clinical survey of speech and non-speech characteristics of neurogenic stuttering, Journal of Fluency Disorders, 33, 1-23.

*Toshiyuki Sakai., Miyamura, M., Kuzuhara, S. (1992) Palilalia and acquired stuttering in a case of Parkinson's disease.Clin. Neurol. 32 : 859-863.

* Tsao, JW; Shad JS; and Faillace, WJ (2004) Tremor, aphasia, and stuttering associated with Heliobacter pylori infection, The American Journal of Medicine 116, pp. 211-212.

* Turgut, N., Utku, U., & Balci, K. (2002). A case of acquired stuttering resulting from left parietal infarction. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, 105, 408-410.

* Van Borsel, John and Taillieu, Caroline, Neurogenic stuttering versus developmental stuttering: An observer judgement study, Journal of Communication Disorders, 34 (2001) 385-395.

* Van Borsel, J., Van Der Made, S., & Santens, P. (2003). Thalamic stuttering: A distinct clinical entity? Brain and Language, 85, 185-189.

Van Borsel, J., Van Lierde, Van Cauwenberge, P., Guldemont, I, & Van Orshoven, M. (1998). Severe acquired stuttering following injury of the left supplementary motor region: A case report. Journal of Fluency Disorders, 23, 49-58.

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* Yeoh, HK; Lind, CRP; and Law, AJ (2006) Acute transient cerebellar dysfunction and stuttering following mild closed head injury, Child's Nervous System 22, pp. 310-313.