Remembering Those Who Have Passed Away
Remembering Shady Trailers - Deceased
Below is a list of individuals who were campers and staff at Shady Trails.
- Jeff Adamczak - camper, staff
- Chris Allen - staff
- Harlon Bloomer - staff, created Bloomer Snipe
- Thomas B. Brenner - camper 1935, '36, '37 d. May 25, 2011
- Grace M. Clancy - camp mother
- John N. Clancy - founder, director d. June 22, 1969
- Marie Clancy Hagerman - daughter of Grace and John d. October 31, 2011
- Ruth Curtis - staff
- Margaret Daly - camp mother
- Darlene Del Rosso - staff
- Terry Dodge - camper
- Ron Dougall - staff
- Larry Flees - staff
- Ruthie Flees - Camp Cook
- Ronald Francis Gora - staff
- Donald "Sandy" Gordon - camper
- William "Bill" Hill - camper, staff
- Steve Hood - early 1980's "distinguished clinician for one week d. March 21, 2018
- Irv Meitus - camper, staff
- Nancy Meitus - staff
- Garner Merrick - camper 1939 and 1941 d. May 25, 2015
- Gerry Michell, camper
- Vivian Mowat (Sheehan) - clinician 1944 d. February 14, 2008
- Janet Resh - staff (1992-94)
- Stuart Rose - camper
- Delbert Russell - camp barber died June 17, 1984
- Charlie Simms - Camper 1947-1952 d. October 23, 2017
- Bruce M. Siebenthaler - staff
- Charles (Chuck) Tait - Staff, Director 1987-1991 d. August 11, 2014
- Ethan Allen Thomas - Camper 1985 and 1986 04/14/1977-09/04/1996
- Kirkland Teeple - camp counselor and reading teacher
- Eugene Walle - staff d. 31 October 1991
added August 27, 2014
updated September 11, 2018