Graduate Student Internships

Internships are one of the most important and exciting aspects of being in Sport Management! Our students have completed internships across a wide variety of teams, organizations, and educational settings.

Database of Potential Internships

All about Internships

Students will be supervised in their internship by their advisor. Over the course of your graduate program, you'll register for HP 688: Applied Sport Business (3-6 credits) and HP 698: Internship (3-6 credits) for a total of 9 credits. The Applied Sport Business course will only be offered in the spring and summer semesters while the internship class is offered year round.

Step 1: Apply for internships with sport organizations

Step 2: Read internship syllabus and follow the checklist provided

  1. Syllabus

Step 3: Once an internship has been obtained with a sport, fitness, or physical activity related organization, you must meet with your site supervisor and have s/he complete the Site Supervisor Form. You must have an electronic copy of this form and be able to upload it to the online application in Step 4.

  1. Site Supervisor Form

Step 4: Students must fill out an: Online Internship Application in order to be able to register for the appropriate Applied Sport Business or Internship credits. Please read through the information, student expectations, responsibilities, and have your internship goals and objectives prepared prior to completing the form. Incomplete applications will not be processed and you will need to reapply if you did not attach/provide the necessary information.

Step 5: Once your application has been submitted, reach out to the Sport Management faculty internship supervisor for the semester so you can obtain the final permission to register for 688 and/or 698. Then register for the proper number of credits once permission has been provided.

Step 6: Each week fill out the Weekly Report form and submit it online by 11 A.M. Monday morning to the Weekly Report Submission link provided in "C" below.

  1. Weekly Report Blank Form
  2. Example of Weekly Report
  3. Submit Graduate Weekly Reports and Evaluations

Step 7: Have your internship supervisor complete the Supervisor Mid-term Evaluation Form and submit it with your Weekly Report form as indicated in Step 6.

Step 8: Half way through your 450 internship hours, set up a phone evaluation between your site supervisor and university supervisor.

Step 9: Upon completing your internship, have your internship supervisor complete the Final Evaluation Form and submit it with your Weekly Report form as indicated in Step 6.

Step 10: After completing your internship, submit your final project to D2L/BrightSpace. Guidelines for final projects can be found on the syllabus listed above.